Scrapbooking master classes. Page 2

Master classes:

Folding box “Happy Wedding Day”

Summer has arrived and brought with it a new wedding season in 2016. Every couple tries to celebrate their wedding in the summer, during this sunny and colorful time of year. Basically, any wedding is planned and prepared in advance, but there are also cases when

Cover for children's birth certificate

With the birth of your little son, you begin a completely new life and become responsible in life not only for yourself and your spouse, but also for your newborn son. Every mother wants for her baby

Soft envelope for discs for the birth of a boy

When a baby is discharged from the hospital, there are always very positive, bright and unforgettable emotions, which they always try to capture on video. A few years later, you can turn on and review this video, and then show your son himself what he was like

Cooking notebook

Any housewife will find this interesting article very useful, because everyone probably has her own favorite recipes with which she pampers her family. So, so that all recipes are always in place and at hand, and also stored in a safe place, then

Congratulatory set

Today we will look at such an interesting master class, in which we will make a whole masterpiece, namely a birthday greeting set, which will include a box for money and a postcard. Moreover, this set will be made in identical colors and

Gift bags

Any holiday gift requires some beautiful and original packaging. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what kind of celebration it is, be it for a man or a woman, a girl or a guy, a grandmother or grandfather, or even a baby. For example, even include a box of perfume,

Easter basket

Spring always brings with it many bright and joyful holidays, including the feast of the resurrection of our Most High Jesus Christ, the Feast of Easter. This is one of the greatest church holidays, on the day of which, in fact, very

Money gift box

A baby's first birthday is a very important event not only for his parents, but also for his godparents. On this day they try to surround him with care, affection and a bunch of gifts. Since no one knows what is best for his child except

Mom's treasures for a little girl

Every mother at the birth of her baby is left with many memorable little things that remain as a keepsake and that need to be preserved. Be sure to leave a commemorative tag from the maternity hospital. Then, as the baby grows, his first lock of hair is cut off, then it falls out

DIY cookbook

In today's Master Class I would like to tell and show you how to make a cookbook with your own hands. Making it will not take you much time and will bring you a lot of positive emotions. This book is very useful

Birthday greeting envelopes

There are quite a lot of events and celebrations in the year, it’s impossible to count them all, but the most important holiday of every person is, of course, his birthday, his name day. This is a very important day for everyone, regardless of age. It follows that

“Mom’s treasures” box for memorable little things

Any mother wants the best for her child, therefore, from birth she tries to surround him with her love, affection, attention, and to lull her baby with the most diverse and beautiful things and toys. Of course, child

Men's birthday envelopes

Quite often we are faced with such a global problem when we start looking for a birthday gift. Sometimes it even turns out that it is much easier for a person you know very little to choose a gift than for your family and friends. Particularly concerning

Wedding invitations

The most exciting holiday in the life of every girl is, of course, a wedding. Each one tries to decorate this day in some special way, so that everything fits together and at the same time does not catch the eye. In most weddings

Congratulatory envelope with chipboard

Birthday is the best holiday in everyone's life. Each birthday person likes to celebrate this day in his own way. There are even people who prefer to retire and remain in splendid isolation on this day, so to speak, to be with their aura

Organizer for scrapbooking notes

Any housewife is always busy at home: preparing food, cleaning the house, washing and ironing clothes, arranging comfort and general maintenance of the house, preserving food for the winter, going shopping, etc. In general, all household chores fall on

Slippers for a cash gift

When a baby is born into a family, it is an extraordinary joy for parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and other relatives and friends. The baby receives love and affection not only from his parents, but also from everyone around him.

Men's mini gift box

It is necessary to prepare for any celebration in advance not only for the birthday person, but also for the guests who will be invited to his party. It doesn’t matter what kind of event it will be: birthday, anniversary, professional worker’s day, March 8, Defender’s Day

Box for wedding disc

A wedding is a very magical and romantic holiday in the life of every young couple. For most, a wedding is considered a holiday and an event that happens once and for a lifetime. Therefore, you understand that you need to prepare it, organize it

Wedding invitations with swans

The spring-summer 2015 wedding season is approaching and the trendy and fashionable color of this year is turquoise, also called Tiffany color. Accordingly, every modern young girl tries to correspond to trends and preferences

House with a sheep

The New Year is already very close, which will bring us a lot of good news and changes for the better. The rather difficult and challenging year of the horse is being replaced by a calmer and fluffier animal, the sheep. This animal is soft and fluffy, so

New Year's candle and decoration for it

We all love New Year and Christmas very much. They are very funny and vividly memorable, despite the fact that they fall during the cold season. The most important thing is that this holiday is celebrated at home, among family and friends and with various beauties and

Handmade wedding invitations

Every girl dreams of a lush and luxurious wedding, one might even say since childhood. Therefore, when the moment finally comes when a girl is going to get married, it becomes especially exciting for her. There is a lot of fuss ahead. First of all, it is necessary

Wedding box

When you are going to go to a wedding and congratulate the newlyweds on this special day, as a rule, you start preparing in advance. It is necessary to study the tastes and preferences of young people, to understand what needs to be given to them so that it will be useful in their family life.