
Master classes:

Stone painting for the garden “Bunny”

How to decorate your flower garden? Every summer resident and florist probably asked himself this question. Therefore, a new type of garden decor has appeared - painting stones. It is very practical, cost-effective and helps brighten up a boring garden. You can paint

Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

On the eve of every holiday, the question arises about an appropriate gift, and you always want to give something extraordinary and memorable. We can choose it in the store, or we can create it ourselves from the things we have on hand. And then

Interior candlestick for the New Year

An interior candlestick is an aesthetic element that will add atmosphere to the space; the fire of a candle will help add a note of romance, making the atmosphere more mysterious and exciting. Make a unique and festive candlestick with your own hands -

Stained glass candlestick

In this master class, I will tell you how to make a simple stained glass candlestick to decorate a room in a New Year's style or create a romantic New Year's atmosphere in a room.

Surface decor using the “Dot painting” technique

Spot painting is the simplest way to decorate various surfaces and products, which does not require expensive materials or professional artistic skills. This master class covers the decor of a palette for face sculpting

An easy way to draw a picture

One of the simple ways to create a beautiful and exclusive thing is to paint on transparent glass. It is simply due to the fact that any design can be placed under the glass and transferred to the surface of the glass. The finished picture will delight your

Bright decor of a plain T-shirt

Any thing can be transformed beyond recognition and this master class confirms what has been said. In this master class we will talk about decorating a children's plain T-shirt using available materials with minimal investment. To work you will need:

How to make a design on clothes using inexpensive improvised materials

How to make designs on clothes without thermal paper? You can buy expensive felt-tip pens for painting on fabric, but you can also get by with cheaper ones. For example, let’s say you want to make a drawing with ordinary permanent markers or wax

Painting a wooden egg “Golden patterns”

When preparing for Easter, we pay special attention to the coloring of eggs. But this symbol of the holiday can be immortalized by replacing the chicken egg with a wooden one. I propose to paint a solid wood blank in the shape of an egg as an Easter souvenir. As a basis

Stained glass painting of a jar

“Beauty will save the world,” said the great classic.And we create beauty for ourselves! The main thing is inspiration and a little imagination. And even a nondescript jar will shine with bright colors and will lift your spirits every time you look at it. Today we give

DIY stained glass paints

Creating stained glass is a very exciting process for both children and adults. As a rule, special stained glass paints and contours are used for stained glass. However, you can make such paints yourself. Of course, they are not suitable for painting dishes, but

Painting a children's T-shirt

Original prints in clothes are still in fashion. You don't have to leave a lot of money at the store to keep up with trends. It is enough to have the desire and think creatively. Using fabric paints, you can create the desired print. Also with

Mortar and pestle painting

An unusual thing may appear in your home not from a store; you can create it yourself. Beginners who love handicrafts can be advised to paint a mortar with an easy-to-execute design in the form of stylized daisies. Give the product

Mortar and pestle painting with mosaic pattern

Creating a new element on the china shelf will help diversify the interior of the kitchen and bring bright colors into it. It should be useful, functional and undoubtedly beautiful. I propose to paint a blank in the form of a mortar and pestle made of solid wood with

Painting a box using colored primer

Creating a piece of furniture is usually associated with a decorative artist, long production times and specialized skills.But often there is no need for complex and numerous tools or artistic education.

Painting a decorative button

In order to please yourself and those around you with another wonder, you don’t have to buy it in a store. All you have to do is purchase the preparation and do everything yourself. In addition, the creative process is quite exciting and brings positive results.

Kitchen board with abstract pattern

Don't know what to give to someone near and dear to you? There is nothing better than handmade gifts; you put your soul and love into them. A kitchen board with an abstract “Fish” pattern is an original gift that will definitely be appreciated. IN

Master class icon of the Holy Healer Panteleimon

Icon painting is a painstaking and time-consuming job, but if desired, it can be mastered. If you love to draw, are diligent and receptive to everything new, then you will like this master class. To get started, you need to purchase everything

Gorodets painting of a wooden bracelet

Painted wooden bracelets are one of the most unusual and beautiful jewelry. Most often they attract attention due to their non-standard design. Today, such bracelets are at the peak of fashion and are a desirable item for almost anyone.

T-shirt painting

Everyone has the simplest and even boring things in their wardrobe. For example, white T-shirts or turtlenecks. When such things become boring due to their simplicity, there is no need to throw them away.Another reason for things to be scrapped may be small stains,

Master class on painting oil painting “Chicks”

You will need the following materials: - brushes, - oil paints, - linseed oil or solvent (for diluting paints), - a palette, - canvas coated with a primer (sold in specialized stores).

Painting of kitchen facades

The French Provence style has easily taken root in our homes and has remained at the peak of popularity for many years. One of its distinctive features is its calm, natural color scheme. These are light shades of sand, cold green and blue,

Glass painting

Ordinary dishes sometimes become too dull. The best way to correct this sullenness is to add some color. Sometimes it’s not very clear how you can decorate ordinary glass, and especially dishes. Of course, dishes are separate and not easy

Summer landscape

Remember the bright days of August, when the earth is hot and as if alive. There is constant abundance all around in nature. These days, very few people work in the fields, and those farmers and agricultural workers who remain in the villages use more