Modeling from plasticine

Master classes:

How to make a beautiful Christmas tree from plasticine

Plasticine is a universal material for children's creativity. It has a plastic shape and bright colors, which allows you to develop motor skills and show the child’s imagination. On the eve of the New Year, we invite you to make crafts from plasticine

Plasticine painting

An ordinary painting bought in a store will not surprise anyone. Then why not make a picture with your own hands from plasticine? If you wish, you can even depict your pet in the picture - a dog or a cat! Let's get started!

Foam and plastic decorations for decorative purposes

Summer is a special time. Many housewives, in addition to daily handicraft work, also take up landscaping of their dacha, garden or suburban area. After all, beautiful flower beds, even beds, as well as educational areas for children’s summer fun are the same

Master class New Year's "Christmas tree"

Today we will play the role of wizards and turn the most ordinary pine cone into a Christmas tree. For work we will need: - a cone; - cover from the monpensier; - gouache paints; - plasticine; - beads or seed beads; - glue moment; -glitter; - figurine with

Plasticine painting

The paintings using the plasticine painting technique amaze the imagination. And the manufacturing technology is so elementary that even a child of senior preschool age can handle it. Strokes on the base are created by dragging with your finger

Plasticine painting

We bring to your attention a master class on creating a picture using plasticine. This type of painting is called plasticine or plastinography. Plasticine serves as paint here as a visual material, and hands are our tool,

Mini aquarium

When playing with your baby, you often manage to create something new and unusual with your own hands. It could be a castle from a construction set that is not provided for in the assembly instructions, a doll made from an ordinary knitted sock, or... an aquarium with a fish swimming in it! For

Plasticine painting

Probably everyone watched the domestic plasticine cartoon. Agree, very beautiful and unusual. I suggest you do something similar, namely a picture from plasticine. Of course it sounds strange, but don’t worry, everything is beautiful and

Rainbow caterpillar made of plasticine

In this master class, we will sculpt a seemingly ordinary caterpillar from plasticine balls, which even the smallest child can handle, but due to the smooth transition of colors and a couple of small details, the craft will turn out to be extraordinary. Let's get started