Home decor

Master classes:

How to make an “anti-cat” Christmas tree

For many decades now, pet owners have been unwitting witnesses to the uncompromising war between their pets and Christmas trees. New Year's beauties attract cats like a magnet - this thing reminds them of a scratching post or a playground

Interior pendant “For the smell of coffee”

A decorative pendant will not only please the eye, but also fill the air with the aromas of coffee, cinnamon, and lemon. Made from environmentally friendly materials. If you have accumulated a lot of alcohol caps, do not rush to get rid of them. This

Ikebana for New Year's decoration

Ikebana made from fir branches is a wonderful decoration for the New Year's table. It creates a festive atmosphere, while taking up very little space. This will certainly be appreciated by those who every year think about how to fit a Christmas tree in a small apartment. For the base

Painting in eco-style

Nowadays, crafts made from natural materials are in incredible demand in the handicraft market. Eco-style can be found anywhere: at exhibitions, in offices, in residential premises.So why not keep up with current fashion? Today you will learn how to do

Lamp “Night City”

Lamp “Night City” using the String technique Art. String Art (or “isothread”) is a direction in needlework, which is based on nails and threads. String - translated from English as string or rope, that is, String Art can be translated from

Japanese panel "Harmony"

I have never been a fan of Japanese culture. However, I have always been amazed by the beauty of the works of ancient Japanese artists. Thanks to their works, I decided to create this homemade product.

Decorative pillows

I want to embellish gray everyday life with bright colors and cozy things. You can easily recreate the atmosphere of a country house on your balcony or loggia with a little imagination.

Curtain and lampshade made of beads

You can make many different beautiful and interesting things with your own hands from beads and threads, for example, curtains for door or window openings and a lampshade (chandelier) to decorate a lamp in a room. The range of thread curtains and curtains is very diverse: they

Fan made of wooden sticks

In the interior, when the walls are empty and monotonous, it is somehow boring. And if they are decorated with anything, it is usually paintings or panels. And in this case, I propose to pay attention to the panel fan, which will look, despite its simplicity,

Shabby chic lamp

A stylish interior is, first of all, thoughtful details.They are the indicator of a good impression of the room. Such important details include lighting. It happens that a lamp that was once pleasing to the eye is tired or not

Panel for the kitchen

The kitchen is a place for eating and a secluded corner for drinking tea. Therefore, the decor should be of a similar theme so that it evokes not only delight, but also appetite. Try to make an original panel from dough and other additional materials.

Bags for storing herbs and seeds

Summer is the first time to collect herbs and flowers. Marigolds, chamomile, calendula, linden - all this is a real treasure during the season of colds and ailments. What would winter be without a medicinal “harvest”? It is for such purposes that special “storages” are needed.

DIY hammock - it's easy

Hammock, one of the most ancient... no! It won't work that way. If you are reading this note, then you have already heard or “read” about the history, advantages and other points. Therefore, let's get down to the main thing, namely, how to make a hammock your own

We draw a sea sunset and decorate an old door

If you have dreamed of trying yourself as an artist, then this master class will help make your dream come true! In addition, it will save the family budget: the old door will not have to be replaced with a new one. Sea sunset, cirrus clouds, splashing waves and very

Decor idea for New Year's holidays

On the eve of the long-awaited winter holidays, I really want to decorate my home in some special way.It’s a pity for a living Christmas tree, so we bought ourselves an artificial beauty a long time ago and every year it delighted us with its beauty. But this same year we

Decorating a family calendar

An interior highlight, a creative idea, a practical item and a good gift. Would you be surprised if I say that all this is about the calendar? Yes Yes. Calendar of family birthdays and memorable dates. Does this still seem impossible to you? Not at all... Today we are processing

Gold in crystal

The holiday that everyone loves and looks forward to is approaching!!! It is a New Year!!! Every self-respecting housewife strives for her home to look elegant, festive, sparklingly original and preferably not like everyone else’s for the New Year. I propose to fix it very

Pipe decor inside the apartment

How often do we turn to the Internet to get some idea for creativity or decorating our home? I think quite often, but these ideas do not always suit us. This is the problem I encountered. In my house, or rather on

New Year's decor

New Year's fairs are perhaps the most visited departments of shopping centers. Starting from November, when these pavilions just open, and until December 31, people come here, wander through the labyrinths woven from garlands and fluffy pine branches, and buy

Corals and shells in the interior of the house

A seaside holiday is the ideal vacation for many. Many seas have now become accessible to Russians: from the beloved and once only Black Sea to the tropical seas of Southeast Asia.Many people love a beach holiday, but in the heat you can only lie in

Decorative candles

The use of candles can not only decorate a boring and dull interior, but also create a special, unique mood. At the same time, candles never overload the interior; it is not for nothing that they are the main decorative item in the minimalist style. If you

Souvenir boot

Children associate such a boot with fairy tales and miracles. Therefore, the child will be happy to put aside all his children’s affairs in order to make the same beautiful and slightly magical shoes together with his mother. And for this you need to prepare: • thick cardboard; •

Decorating the tiles

Many people have probably encountered a situation where, after purchasing an apartment, the interior left over from the previous owners wants to redo it, but there is not enough money. So we find ourselves in this situation. White “Sovkov” tiles in the kitchen are not

New Year's decor: "Winter's Tale".

How do you decorate your home for the New Year? Of course, a decorated Christmas tree and garlands on doorposts are beyond competition. But you can try to create a fairy tale even in the most inconspicuous corner of your home. In this case, you do not need exotic materials