Original Hand Made envelope

In such an original gift envelope you can, say, give money. Write a letter of recognition to your loved one; he will definitely be delighted with such an envelope. Gifts in the “Hand Made” style are always original and unique and in no way

Gift packaging

Today you will learn how to present an ordinary gift in an unusual way. Wrapping it in shiny paper with a flower pattern and tying it with a bow is, of course, cute and beautiful. But how can you make packaging not only beautiful, but also functional? Look

"Flower Heart" - greeting card

If you persistently think about hearts, about love, it means that Valentine's Day is approaching. You can express your love, affection, sympathy in different ways, for example, with a handmade valentine. First of all, cut out the template

Greeting card with flowers

Children love to make different applications. So why not invite your child to make such a card himself? Despite the apparent complexity, it is easy to do. The adult only needs to help the child a little.For example, bend cardboard or cut a circle in

DIY New Year card

How nice it is to please your loved ones with gifts on New Year's Eve. I would like to propose an idea for an original greeting card - a folder. This wonderful gift can be prepared together with the children, and then everyone will write wishes for a congratulatory speech -

Holiday card

A DIY postcard using the scrapbooking technique is a real work of art. And anyone can make this masterpiece, the main thing is to know some secrets and prepare everything you need. Watercolor paper works very well for cards. She

greeting card

A holiday card is a small, original letter in the form of a congratulation that can instantly dispel your boredom and make you smile from ear to ear. Be it poetry or prose, but the main task of the postcard is that this wish be

Making a postcard for February 23

The proposed card can be made by children of primary school age during labor lessons, and with the help of adults, even children of 6-7 years old attending kindergarten can make such a gift. It will be nice to receive such an original craft for Defender's Day

Musical card

The best gift, as you know, is the one you made yourself. What will be described in this article is distinguished by its originality and will delight the one you want to please for a long time. At the same time, such work requires

Cardboard cake - the most modern congratulation

A cardboard cake is an original and interesting way to congratulate someone dear to you. In the modern world, gifts made or made by hand are becoming popular. But in order to create something yourself, a certain skill is required.

Drawing Christmas bells

Bells can rightly be called a symbol of Christmas. The ringing of bells on Christmas Eve has long been a tradition. As you know, New Year and Christmas are just around the corner. So let's draw bright bells. It's easy and fast. Step by step

Original postcard for March 8th

Nowadays the stores are full of postcards for any event, but the popularity of hand-made items does not cease to grow. Agree, it’s nice to receive a postcard on which the giver may have spent more than one hour creating it personally for you. Give a piece