Men's card

Today in the article we will talk about creating a postcard for a man. The card will be given to the recipient on his birthday. For what reason were these particular colors, execution style, and idea with the business card and daisy names chosen? The fact is that,

Pincushion in the form of a doll's chair

The height of the finished pincushion is about 15 cm. In order to make a pincushion in the shape of a miniature doll chair, you need to prepare the following materials and tools: - curtain fabric of 2 types, - padding polyester, - thick adhesive

Egg bag

In many families, it is customary to give each other Easter eggs. As you know, any gift should be packaged properly. Therefore, we offer you an easy way to make a beautiful egg sac with your own hands. Make this craft with your kids

Headband for girls made of ribbons

Very soon the time for graduation parties in kindergarten is coming, and, undoubtedly, every mother wants her princess to look beautiful and elegant.Of course, for each prom dress or suit, appropriate decoration and

Flower with a secret

On the eve of a birthday or everyone's favorite women's holiday, I really want to give something unusual as a gift to a loved one. But is it always necessary to buy a gift? Maybe it's better to give something made with your own hands? For example, a bouquet

Bracelet made of ribbons and beads

Handmade jewelry is highly valued by many fashionistas. Such products will add completeness and individuality to the image. Handmade jewelry is the best holiday gift for any woman. Especially valuable are those things that a person does

Toy dog

You can use fleece to make a cute new toy for your child. It will take little time to make it, but the result will surely please your baby. Materials: fleece in black, light brown and dark brown, padding polyester for

Heart Shaped Pillow

There are probably no people who don’t like receiving gifts. And if the gift is made independently, its value increases many times over. I suggest you make a decorative pillow in the shape of a heart, as a recognition of your warmest feelings.

Professional darning of jeans

Sometimes your favorite jeans get torn in the most unexpected places. I especially feel sorry for expensive branded jeans, which, it would seem, will not be demolished... And you won’t even raise your hand to throw them away, and you can no longer wear them like that. Sad pictures with awkward

Egg made from threads

Holidays are always pleasant and fun.Recently, it has become especially popular to decorate the interior thematically, which further sets the mood for the holiday. One of the main Easter elements is the egg, which can also be

Easter bouquet

Soon we will celebrate the most important Christian holiday - Easter. Many will bake Easter cakes, prepare Easter cottage cheese, paint Easter eggs, and try to bring the apartment into perfect order and somehow decorate it. There are many ways

Kitten made from socks

From a pair of ordinary socks you can sew a wonderful soft toy, which can not only be an attribute for children to play with, but also a wonderful decorative element in the overall interior of your home. How to make such a cute kitten with your own hands, you

Bouquet of roses made from candies and paper

There is no such person who does not like sweets. Almost every holiday gift is complemented by the recipient's favorite candy. But giving them in regular packaging is too banal, and buying them in exclusive packaging is too expensive. Today I will tell you how

cat pillow

Sometimes you want to buy something for your home that is not just beautiful and cozy, but also comfortable and functional. And if your hands know how to do needlework, then you can make a lot of beautiful and pleasing things to your heart. One of these crafts can be called

Art object made of branches and textiles

Everyone knows the purpose of art objects - they make the interior come alive, give it uniqueness, and give the home comfort.A master class on making a “good tree” will give you an idea on how to decorate your home in accordance with the romantic style.

Handbag for a little princess

Every girl needs a handbag, no matter how old she is, 2 years old or 22! Of course, every age has its own needs, and taking them into account, the handbag should be made of appropriate materials and be of a suitable size.

Children's winter slippers made of fur

In order for the child to be warm when running around at home and on the street, we put him in light, warm, fur slippers. You can make them yourself. For this we will need: natural or artificial fur, coat fabric, felt, thread (40th

Felt brooch

To make a fashion accessory you will need: • pieces of felt (purple, blue, light blue, pink); • floss threads (purple and blue-violet); • glue; • pen; • scissors; • needle; • white beads; • pin; • stencil.

Easter bunny

On the bright holiday of Easter, you can’t do without the Easter bunny. It is a traditional holiday attribute in Europe and America. On the eve of Easter, mass sales of chocolate bunnies and postcards with their images begin. Millions of kids are waiting for

Cup stand

From multi-colored balls of woolen threads you can make bright coasters for cups in the form of small woolen rugs, which will certainly come in handy around the house. To make the stand you will need: - knitting threads in white, red and yellow

Easter chicken with eggs

A major Orthodox holiday is approaching - Easter. And I suggest crocheting a very beautiful craft that will complement and decorate your interior. It will be a chicken with colored eggs. It is woven quite simply and does not require special skills.

Passport case made of felt fabric

To ensure that your passport is always clean and tidy, we suggest making a beautiful and original felt case for it. The main highlight of such a cover will be the bright appliqué.

New life for an old vase

Materials needed to transform an old vase: 1. Old vase, preferably transparent - 1 pc. 2. Green spray paint – 1 pc. 3. Medium width paper tape – 1 pc. 4. Various ribbons, rhinestones, sequins, beads. 5.

Replacing handles on a bag

Nowadays, buying a new handbag is very easy. Huge selection from expensive leather to inexpensive textile. But there are situations when it’s a pity to give up your favorite bag just because its handles have become unusable, and in the workshop