Crafts from floppy disks

Yes... the floppy disk drive is a thing of the past... and leaves behind a lot of floppy disks. It's a shame to throw it away... Here's an idea --->

Miniature soldering iron

We bring to your attention two miniature soldering irons, the most affordable to manufacture and meeting the requirements for the installation of miniature electronic products.


The task arose to assemble an anemometer for one project so that data could be taken on a computer via a USB interface. The article will focus more on the anemometer itself than on the system for processing data from it. . .

Lava lamp

Lava lamps appeared in England in 1963. The invention belonged to the scientist Edward Cravan. The lava lamp was a tall glass vessel with a colored liquid in which glass balls floated.

We grow copper crystals.

No, we didn't make a mistake. Not copper sulfate—you’ve probably received these crystals more than once—but real metallic copper.

Name of the track being played on the case

Surely you have repeatedly seen all kinds of LCD panels on the front of the system unit, or maybe you have already managed to get hold of your own. But real modders prefer a slightly more complex and interesting process - creating an LCD screen with their own hands.

Solar battery

A solar battery is a device for converting solar energy into electricity. High performance solar panels, which you can buy at Radio Shack and other stores, are made from specially processed silicon and require

Metal detector made from a radio and calculator.

As it turns out, quite ordinary things can be made into very unusual ones. For example, let's make a metal detector out of a radio receiver and a calculator. . .

Water cooling system.

Another interesting variation on the theme of water cooling. This time in an external version with a large radiator, glowing fans and a blue water tank. You can do all this with your own hands, spending less than a thousand rubles.

Leather case for player

It turns out that making a stylish leather case for your player yourself is not so difficult. We will need: 1. A little leather, the thicker the better 2. Thick cardboard or plywood 4. An awl 5. A blunt metal object 6. Water 7. A sharp knife.

Making hydrochloric acid at home

Although the sale of hydrochloric acid is limited and can be difficult to buy at retail, anyone can easily make it from polyvinyl chloride, one of the most common plastics. PVC is used to make wire sheaths, toys, and many household items.

Vibrating mouse for games.

An article about how to make a vibration mouse for computer games. It will add realism to your gaming world and allow you to get much more pleasure from games. And CS 1.6 will appear before you in a new form!

Minipolishing or how to get rid of scratches

In various consumer electronics, protective glass is often made from plexiglass. This is a good material, if not for one of its drawbacks - scratches appear on it easily. We tried to describe the most accessible polishing technology

Backlit mouse pad

If you are tired of the usual banal mouse pad, then make your own unique one that no one else has!

Toy - Somersault.

A tumbler is an interesting toy that everyone will be happy to play with, and it’s not difficult to make. . .

Homemade barometer

It is not always possible to buy a barometer, so I would like to propose the design of a home barometer that will show atmospheric pressure with some accuracy.

Air-hydraulic rocket

The air-hydraulic model is one of the simplest types in rocket modeling. It is characterized by simplicity of design and operation. This model makes it possible to conduct many different experiments and, most importantly, get acquainted with the action

How to use a refrigerator compressor as an airbrush

Most people have an old refrigerator in their garage or shed. Why do they store it? unknown! If you are one of those people, then I suggest using this “hardware” for business. . .