Minipolishing or how to get rid of scratches

In various consumer electronics, protective glass is often made from plexiglass. This is a good material, if not for one of its drawbacks - scratches appear on it easily. We tried to describe the most accessible technology for polishing plexiglass, which will allow you to get rid of scratches on the screens of mobile phones, players and other electronics. In addition, it is possible to polish even small metal products (for example, polish a coin to a shine). To create the device we will need:

1) Small electric motor
2) GOI paste – polishing paste based on chromium oxide. Can be easily purchased at hardware stores and most hardware stores.
3) Cotton swabs
4) A 9 volt battery (or another voltage, depending on the motor)?
Let's cut a cotton swab and place it on the motor shaft. You need to turn on the motor so that the cotton wool, when it touches your fingers, twists and does not fluff up.

Apply a little GOI paste to the rotating stick.

Our test sample was a piece of plexiglass on which the word Licrym was scratched with an awl. Let's start polishing.Using slow, careful movements, we move the rotating end of the stick over the scratch, without stopping in one place (if we linger, the paste will be squeezed out and the cotton wool will rub the plexiglass dry, as a result of which it will heat up and melt, creating a hole)

The paste, although very thin, is abrasive. Gradually, the material along the edges of the scratch is ground to the level of the bottom of the scratch, and such a smooth hole is formed. As a result, we will get a smooth depression that follows the shape of a scratch, but without sharp, light-scattering edges. This means that the scratch becomes invisible.

In 10 minutes of polishing the “Lic” part we achieved the following result:

If you look through it, it is impossible to say that there were letters at the polishing site. Their blurred silhouette can only be seen at an angle in reflected light.

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Comments (2)
  1. Peter
    #1 Peter Guests January 23, 2014 08:40
    In order for the glass to melt from the cotton wool, you need a rotation speed of 10,000 rpm. and wooden fleece.
  2. Boris
    #2 Boris Guests January 15, 2019 11:14
    I was amused by the detailed description of what GOI paste is.
    Do you even know that it comes in different grain sizes and that you can add a little oil for polishing?
    Or you can just polish it with toothpaste.