Cold and warm colors: floral arrangements

Every artist, interior designer, clothing designer or, for example, food designer, before starting to create their masterpieces, thinks about what mood and color scheme to choose for their work. It's no secret what color influences

Multi-tier shelf

A multi-tier shelf consists of only 4 main parts: a wall beam, a metal zigzag rod (tube), brackets for fastening, boards for the shelf or chipboard. The number of shelves may vary depending on needs. From single tier to

Daisies in stocking technique

Flowers in the stocking technique, or, as they are also called, flowers with faces, are a very unusual and original decoration for your interior. Cute, funny flowers will delight their owners, causing a smile and tenderness. Such flowers are also suitable as

Corals and shells in the interior of the house

A seaside holiday is the ideal vacation for many. Many seas have now become accessible to Russians: from the beloved and once only Black Sea to the tropical seas of Southeast Asia.Many people love a beach holiday, but in the heat you can only lie in


Every woman has her favorite jewelry. It is convenient to store them in boxes - then they will not get lost and will be at hand all the time. There are different boxes - metal and wood, plastic and wicker, and I suggest you make a box from

Bavarian knitted hot pad

Have you heard anything about Bavarian knitting? Be sure to look online at what you can do with it, you will find so many beautiful things! Today I want to show you a quick and easy way to create an original hot pot using the technique

Balloon made from an old light bulb

What do you usually do with a burnt out light bulb? Do you take it for recycling or just throw it in the trash? I propose to give the light bulb a second life and, thereby, save nature from excess dirt that is harmful to it. Ask how else you can use the light bulb,

Beautiful night light

Valentine's Day is very close. Everyone prepares their own gift, but most likely everyone will have a romantic dinner. Today I would like to share with you an interesting idea for decorating a romantic interior. I will teach you how to make a beautiful night light

Decorating a bottle with colored salt

In order to decorate the interior, create a warm, cozy atmosphere in the house or please a loved one with an original gift, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive souvenirs. It is quite possible to create them yourself. Lately it's been very

Heart shaped photo frames

Photos of loved ones awaken bright feelings in us. Let's insert a photo into a heart-shaped photo frame with our own hands. This photo frame can be placed on the table or attached to the wall. The highlight of your interior will be a wall decorated

Beautiful dahlia made of paper

In winter, you really want to feel a piece of summer or spring. I would like to decorate the interior with something bright and sunny. Today I will help you make your wish come true and teach you how to create beautiful bright flowers to decorate your interior. Such a beautiful flower from

Thread box

Beautiful and convenient boxes for storing various trinkets are always needed in the house. For example, I like to knit, but over the years of doing this hobby I have collected a lot of leftover yarn, which, on the one hand, I need, and on the other, is constantly lying in


Having spied a photograph of a toy owl from a foreign magazine, I had the desire to sew the same one. The pattern from the magazine was not accurate enough, so some adjustments and modifications had to be made. Part templates are scanned in A4 format, and

Restoration of an old wardrobe

Very often, old furniture becomes so deeply rooted in our lives that there is practically no way to part with it. This is exactly the situation that happened with an old wardrobe from the beginning of the last century. The world around him has changed, the apartment

Butterfly Morpho

The first step in creating Morpho will be making kanzashi petals, which we will later glue and form into wings. Cut 24 squares from the blue ribbon (5x5 cm).Carefully and carefully singe the edges of the tape. Make sure she doesn't

Pendant with glass-like coating

Among interior items, clothing, and jewelry, you can increasingly find things made in a vintage style, which is characterized by its sophistication and sophistication. It is believed that products created no later than the 80s can be called vintage.

Decorative vase

Any thing made with your own hands has greater value than something simply bought in a store. Especially if it is a piece of furniture, in this case, you can choose any size, shape and style that suits your needs.

Postcard panel with 3D effect

Panels are used in interior decoration to fill the walls. There are several types: carved, wooden, artistic, marine themed and others. Most often, a panel with flowers is made, which organically fits into the decor of the room.

Aries figurine using a jigsaw

Artistic cutting of wooden crafts is one of the most popular types of decorative art available to a creative person who does not have special education or training. Original sawmill craftsmen create from wooden

Vintage box

The art of decoupage became popular in the 18th-19th centuries, when this type of creativity became widespread in Europe. This technique, whose name means “carve” in French, involves transferring an image onto wooden

Openwork basket

A standard idea and the most non-standard embodiment of this idea into reality, solving an ordinary problem in an original way - the life of a creative person. The made openwork basket can become a wonderful decoration for the kitchen interior and

Restoration of the table

Every person has encountered such a problem as hatred of pieces of furniture. Often, even the most favorite table or box gets boring, and you are ready to give everything not to see it. To solve this problem the most ideal option would be

Decorative candles

The use of candles can not only decorate a boring and dull interior, but also create a special, unique mood. At the same time, candles never overload the interior; it is not for nothing that they are the main decorative item in the minimalist style. If you


The power of the play of light in terms of organizing comfort and coziness in the home has long been proven. Sconces, floor lamps, lamps - each of these lighting devices creates its own, unique contribution to the overall ambiance of the apartment. Sometimes, looking at a truly interesting and non-standard