Weaving a box

It has become quite popular to weave various things and objects from newspaper or magazine tubes. And this is not surprising, since the material is available to everyone, and the products turn out extremely beautiful. In this article we will weave a box with a lid in


Each of us has dreams and desires, which sometimes we don’t have enough money to fulfill. Therefore, many people buy piggy banks that help them save money for their dreams and not spend it on anything else. But it is not at all necessary to buy a piggy bank;

Headphone plug repair

Very often, the wire near the plug breaks off on headphones. Let's try to repair this problem ourselves. To do this we need glue, a regular spool of thread, a piece of heat shrink tubing and electrical tape. I would like to note that the work is very

Wedding card

Of course, the most important congratulatory document for a wedding is a postcard. You walk around for a long time, choose something original and beautiful, and the solution is quite simple. You can make your own wedding greeting card. It will not only be

Charger for portable batteries

On one of the amateur radio sites I saw a circuit for charging portable Ni-Mn and Ni-Cd batteries with an operating voltage of 1.2-1.4 V from a USB port. Using this device you can charge portable batteries with a current of approximately 100

Heart shaped photo frames

Photos of loved ones awaken bright feelings in us. Let's insert a photo into a heart-shaped photo frame with our own hands. This photo frame can be placed on the table or attached to the wall. The highlight of your interior will be a wall decorated

Heart shaped basket

Valentine's Day is approaching. Many people want to please their significant other with something special and unusual. I want to show you how you can make an ordinary and familiar gift original. We will make a beautiful basket in the shape of a heart,

Box for Valentine's Day

A wonderful holiday is coming soon, Valentine's Day. If you want to please a loved one with a gift, but don’t know what to give. We present to you a master class on creating a “Valentine’s Day” box. Symbol of Valentine's Day

Youth passport covers

Modern girls always choose very exclusive and unique things, strive to be the most beautiful and unique, to stand out from each other. And the choice of wardrobe, as well as the selection of various accessories to go with them, is a whole story. Therefore, for a long time

Beautiful aster for mom

Spring will soon end and spring will begin, which means a beautiful day will come - the eighth of March. Children always want to please their mother, grandmother, sister or aunt with some gift. Cards are made, gifts are bought, a delicious dinner is prepared.

Miracle diaper cake

The birth of a new person is triumph, joy, tenderness! How I want to congratulate my loved ones on this event in a beautiful and original way! A wonderful handmade cake made from baby diapers will not leave any happy mother indifferent. A

Bracelet "Shambhala"

Bracelets called Shambhala burst into fashion like a whirlwind. This is the art of macrame combined with delicate beads. Depending on the type of lace and the beads themselves, such bracelets are divided into men's and women's. In this MK I will show you how to do

money flower

There is probably not such a happy person on the entire globe who has never in his life faced the problem of choosing a gift. Not an easy gift for a difficult person. A gift for that special category of people who are already in life

Postcard panel with 3D effect

Panels are used in interior decoration to fill the walls. There are several types: carved, wooden, artistic, marine themed and others. Most often, a panel with flowers is made, which organically fits into the decor of the room.


The power of the play of light in terms of organizing comfort and coziness in the home has long been proven. Sconces, floor lamps, lamps - each of these lighting devices creates its own, unique contribution to the overall ambiance of the apartment. Sometimes, looking at a truly interesting and non-standard

Pencil holder

I suggest you make a pencil holder with your own hands. Moreover, it can be done together with your child (if you have one and have reached an age when you can not be afraid to pick up scissors and glue). So let's get started! You and I will need

Panel “Mysterious couple” using iris folding technique

There is such an interesting technique in needlework as iris folding. It is mainly used in making paper crafts. But I prefer working with textiles. Therefore, almost all of my works are made using the iris folding technique from fabric.

"Delicious" Christmas decor

Decorating your home for Christmas is not only an American tradition, it is also popular here. The most interesting thing is to make the decor yourself. Felt is a very convenient material for modeling and making such holiday candies from it is very simple. For

Gift composition “Horseshoe” with sweets

Always, when we are invited to some kind of celebration, we rack our brains about what to give, what gift to choose so that it is original, beautiful, and unusual. You won’t surprise anyone with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of champagne, but to do

Advent calendar

The Advent calendar first appeared in European countries, and later it began to be used in America. In Ukraine, such a calendar is just beginning to become popular. The idea of ​​a special calendar is intended for children, it shows

Festive garland

How to decorate your house for the holiday? Any holiday must be decorated accordingly. New Year is a Christmas tree and sparkling rain, birthday is balloons, Valentine's Day is a variety of hearts, March 8 is flowers. And almost every

Christmas artichoke

I want to tell you how to make a funny Christmas tree toy from unnecessary plastic bottles and ordinary colored paper. So let's get started. The ball can be made from ordinary plastic bottles. To do this, I took 2 1.5 liter bottles and cut off the top. Notched

Christmas tree decoration

Today you can see a lot of low-quality products on the market. And I really want to avoid any troubles. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year, we will make an environmentally friendly, absolutely safe Christmas tree toy. To make a Christmas tree toy

Decorating a passport cover

Materials: - passport cover; - acrylic paints and varnish; - decoupage card; - art brushes and sponges; - alcohol-containing composition; - masking tape; - shellac varnish (you can take the first step of two-component craquelure); - related: