Miniature chest of drawers

For most needlewomen, the question often arises of how to place all the necessary little things. I also encountered the same problem when I decided to try making jewelry with my own hands. All earrings and other accessories necessary

Beautiful night light

Valentine's Day is very close. Everyone prepares their own gift, but most likely everyone will have a romantic dinner. Today I would like to share with you an interesting idea for decorating a romantic interior. I will teach you how to make a beautiful night light

White Rose

All girls love flowers. And the eighth of March is an excellent occasion to please them with these flowers. But, unlike fresh flowers, which will wither in a couple of days, flowers knitted with your own hands will delight their owner for many years.

Bracelet - stylish metal

Every fashionista should have an accessory that combines brutality and elegance in her arsenal. Typically, this effect can be achieved by mixing rough elements such as leather or metal with lightweight materials and beads. One of them

Paper rose

When there are always flowers in an apartment or house, even the air seems cleaner and more pleasant. It’s difficult to please yourself with fresh flowers all year round, so I figured out how to pamper myself with beautiful scents and views, without real flowers. Today I will tell you and

Home decor – ballerina made from a napkin

We all love our home to be beautiful, cozy and stylish. You can make many decorative decorations yourself, just use a little imagination. Today I want to teach you how to make a lovely ballerina from wire and napkins,

Beautiful aster for mom

Spring will soon end and spring will begin, which means a beautiful day will come - the eighth of March. Children always want to please their mother, grandmother, sister or aunt with some gift. Cards are made, gifts are bought, a delicious dinner is prepared.

Beaded brooch “Dragonfly”

Beaded jewelry does not lose popularity in our time, when you can buy anything in stores. After all, a brooch made with your own hands is more pleasant to wear and is not a shame to give as a gift. The “Dragonfly” brooch is very easy to make and to

Paper towel holder

Paper towels are always an indispensable item in the kitchen. I suggest making a towel holder with your own hands. Its design is very simple, and creation will take no more than two hours. In this case, you will get a very durable holder, you will

Snowflake made of beads

Beautiful and delicate snowflakes are an excellent decoration for a New Year's costume or Christmas tree. Making them is not only simple, but also interesting.For work you will need: - beads; - thin fishing line or wire; - scissors.

Christmas tree made of beads

The New Year is approaching, and more and more you want to decorate everything around you with something truly festive and unusual. How to decorate your workplace? After all, in most cases you can’t place something bulky in the workplace like you can at home. In this case


One day I decided to make a pendant from soft copper and regular hard wire. I found the usual hard one for 6 hryvnia 10 meters in the “All for 3 hryvnia” store, and I took the copper one from the motor winding. I measured 12 cm and cut it with wire cutters.

Original Christmas tree decorations are not difficult

The New Year holidays are approaching and many have already started putting up Christmas trees and decorating them with toys. In this master class I want to share with you an interesting idea. I will teach you how to sew wonderful horses to decorate the Christmas tree. New Year 2014 will be the Year of the Horse,

Copper sulfate crystals

Copper sulfate, with its characteristic beautiful bright blue color, is most suitable for growing a crystal at home. Unlike a crystal grown on salt, a crystal made from copper sulfate will be sparkling, transparent and bright. For this

Yarn spider

The Spider toy is made from yarn very quickly and does not require complex materials. For this craft you will need: yarn, scissors, glue stick, markers, white paper, a small piece of cardboard, wire. First you need to make the body of the spider: for this

Flower made of nylon fabric

If you have the necessary materials, anyone can master the art of making flowers from nylon fabric. The ability to make such flowers will come in very handy if you want to decorate your interior, decorate a gift beautifully, or complement a banal

Flower topiary

Required materials: 1. Plastic hemispheres. 2. Coffee beans. 3. Satin ribbons in pink, raspberry and green colors. 4. Gold acrylic paint - spray. 5. Pink tulle. 6. Flower pot. 7. Steel wire...

Chamomile made from uninflated balloons

Balloons are strongly associated with childhood and holidays and carry an amazing aura of magic. Once you inflate it, the house immediately becomes more cheerful and bright. But the life of an inflated balloon is, unfortunately, short. Therefore, abroad is huge

Blue wisteria

Making something with your own hands is a wonderful gift for your loved ones. Beaded trees at home will never wither, do not require special care, they look great in the interior. To create such a miracle, we will use Czech beads. We will need:

Heart with coffee

And so, let's start making a heart from coffee beans. For this we will need: coffee beans, silicone or other glue, brown corrugated paper, thick wire, toilet paper, thread, brown tape (30 centimeters), plaster, glue

Napkin rings

How to beautifully fold napkins at the holiday table? Every housewife asked this question when preparing to welcome guests. Napkin rings have become popular lately. And this is not surprising, because with their help you can effectively

Spring birch tree made of beads

The symbol of spring and beauty is the birch tree. She is very elegant, beautiful and useful. Why not have such beauty at home? Most often, needlewomen begin their work with this tree. Today I will show you a simple master class on it

Corrugated paper flower tree

A very long time ago, in ancient times, people began to master the art of creating flowers from paper. They decorated homes, gave them to each other, and in the mid-18th century in European countries, paper flowers began to be used to decorate churches. A little bit later

Oil lamp

It often happens that the electricity suddenly goes out and there are no paraffin candles at hand. In this case, an oil lamp will be the optimal solution to the problem. In order to make an oil lamp we need: 1. An old burnt out