Beaded brooch “Dragonfly”

Beaded jewelry does not lose popularity in our time, when you can buy anything in stores. After all, a brooch made with your own hands is more pleasant to wear and is not a shame to give as a gift.
The Dragonfly brooch is very easy to make and in order to make it, you only need basic knowledge of working with beads. Even a child familiar with needlework can handle it.

Dragonfly bead brooch

To make this brooch you need 7 crystal-shaped beads with a diameter of 3 millimeters. It is better if they are white or light green. 2 more of the same beads, only dark green. This will be the dragonfly's abdomen. And also 2 large round beads for her eyes. It is better to make wings from translucent beads of golden or silver color.


You also need thin copper wire.

copper wire

You need to start working from the torso. You need to string a bead onto a wire 25 centimeters long and bend the wire.

dragonfly diagram

Then you need to string it on two ends at once.

string a bead

Alternate light crystal beads with small beads, and finally string dark beads as well.

two ends at once

To make the dragonfly's eyes, string round beads onto each end of the wire.

string dark beads

You need to secure it with a small bead, putting it on one end of the wire, and then threading the other end into it.

make dragonfly eyes

small bead

The dragonfly's body is ready.

threading the other end into it

The wings are woven two at a time on one wire using the parallel weaving method, threading first one end of the wire and then the other into the same beads.

Dragonfly body

dragonfly wing diagram

threading through one

then another

tighten the wire

Remember to tighten the wire to keep the wing rigid.


After 14 rows the wing is finished.

it was tough

Twist the ends of the wire between the body beads and begin to weave the second wing in the same way.

wing finished

connection diagram

attach the wings

Don't forget to secure the wire by threading the ends through the last few beads.

weave the second wing

secure the wire

The third and fourth wings are woven in the same way.

cut the wire

one pair of wings

Once the dragonfly is ready, take a small pin and screw it with a thin wire to the body under the wings.

tie up the second pair

Dragonfly bead brooch

This brooch can be an excellent gift for any occasion.
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. Kate
    #1 Kate Guests 17 March 2014 20:49
    Beautiful brooch, but it's for girls smile