For a master class - 150 rubles

Hello, dear site applicants. Our site needs your crafts, namely master classes. On average we pay 150 rubles. per article, in general the price varies from 100 – 500 rubles. Someone will say that this is not enough, but I will answer that we only buy

Page for a children's book in pop-up style

Like many other paper crafts, pop-up creations often become real works of art. Complex, multifaceted, colorful, they attract the attention of adults and children. However, the secrets of pop-up are not as complicated as


There are very simple crafts (a boat, an airplane), which even a preschooler can handle assembling. Others are not suitable for every adult. This parrot can be easily made from paper by a 7-10 year old child. Moreover, the instructions are given very

Paper kitten

It’s not difficult to make such cute kittens. Look at the photo, repeat each action and within 20 minutes you will have a paper kitten on your shelf. Or even two. The hardest part of the craft is figuring out how to make the ears. And with the rest

Crafts from pieces of yarn, cereal, pasta

Interesting and unusual creative work can be made from materials of different textures. In one picture you can use cereals, pasta, scraps of yarn and thread, plasticine, and such interesting paper techniques as origami. Such

Exclusive spice jars

Tart, hot and unusually fragrant spices and herbs are not just a culinary whim, but an integral ingredient of any oriental colorful dish. But despite their high position in the kitchen, they are usually stored in ordinary

Easter bunny

On the bright holiday of Easter, you can’t do without the Easter bunny. It is a traditional holiday attribute in Europe and America. On the eve of Easter, mass sales of chocolate bunnies and postcards with their images begin. Millions of kids are waiting for

Painting with a three-dimensional pattern

You don't know what to give your mother, grandmother or teacher for her birthday. We suggest making a painting with a three-dimensional pattern in the shape of a flower. The craft is made from inexpensive materials. The technology shown in the master class will allow you to create

Beaded egg

Spring has come - the time for miracles. The spring gurgles - “Christ is Risen!” There are no brighter words in the world - “Truly Christ is Risen! Very soon a wonderful bright holiday will come - Easter. All women will bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. And all the needlewomen,

Fish on a plate

The applique is made of pasta of various shapes on a plate.The base used is ordinary plasticine for children's creativity. What motivated me to create crafts was the huge assortment of pasta on supermarket shelves,

Cute chest

Decoupage is an art accessible to everyone. To make an interesting thing using this technique, you do not need special knowledge, which can please everyone. A cute chest, decorated with your own hands, can become storage

Reverse decoupage on a plate

Reverse decoupage is a paper applique laid on a hard surface and coated with varnish or paint. Thanks to this technology, you can create real masterpieces with your own hands. So, for example, if you have simple materials, you

Case for designer

Probably every mother has a daily problem of where to store children's construction pencils. After all, packages of them get lost so often that you don’t have time to track them. I offer you one option - a handbag made from a plastic bottle. WITH

Wooden children's toy “Chicks”

One of the toys that our grandfathers played with in childhood is a craft made of wood, in which two figures alternately lean towards the center: first one, then the second and again. These could also be figurines of girls “picking berries on

Baby stroller made from newspaper tubes

Let's say you are invited to an event: a wedding or a baby shower. An original gift is half of your congratulations. Don't go shopping looking for something exclusive. A surprise made by you personally will always stand out from the background

Box for Valentine's Day

A wonderful holiday is coming soon, Valentine's Day. If you want to please a loved one with a gift, but don’t know what to give. We present to you a master class on creating a “Valentine’s Day” box. Symbol of Valentine's Day

Car inverter 12-220V

I bought myself a car six months ago. I will not describe all the modernizations made to improve it, I will focus on only one. This is a 12-220V inverter for powering consumer electronics from the vehicle's on-board network. Of course it would be possible

Merry cow

In kindergarten and school, at home and in the circle of “skillful hands” - everywhere and always children are happy to make bright and interesting crafts, come up with unusual things to decorate the classroom or their room, make original gifts for

Gift box

When going on a visit, we think not only about the gift, but also about how to pack it. I want the gift box to be original and practical. You can make such a box with your own hands. This craft will not take much time and

Aries figurine using a jigsaw

Artistic cutting of wooden crafts is one of the most popular types of decorative art available to a creative person who does not have special education or training. Original sawmill craftsmen create from wooden

How to make a hummingbird bird

Despite the apparent complexity, this bird is easy to make.Look how good it looks among the greenery! To do this, take thick paper - it will hold its shape better. And there are few folds in this craft. A hummingbird is made from a triangle.


To make such a neck, you have to try. Of course, such a task is beyond the power of a small child, but a schoolchild can quite easily fold this bird. The most difficult thing here is to hide the sharp corner inside the craft in the upper part of the figure, and in the rest

Openwork basket

A standard idea and the most non-standard embodiment of this idea into reality, solving an ordinary problem in an original way - the life of a creative person. The made openwork basket can become a wonderful decoration for the kitchen interior and


If your child can easily make a boat or an airplane out of paper, then he can already be taught to make an elephant. First, practice it yourself at your leisure so that the child does not get bored with this process and start being creative. Moreover, this