Decorative plate “Bees on flowers”

A decorative plate can be made from any item of suitable shape or, as in this case, from an ordinary disposable plate. The original composition will make the product beautiful and unusual. Will it be your own idea or borrowed

Postcard with silhouettes and three-dimensional details

What materials will you need for the work? - Card base (thick paper or cardboard) - Thick paper for the silhouette (half the size of the card base) - Printed or drawn silhouette - Brightly colored napkin -

Wedding bottle with poppies

If you are invited to a wedding or some special event, you should not immediately run to the store for gifts. You can make an original souvenir with your own hands. At the same time, you do not need to have deep knowledge of cutting and sewing. Enough

Gold-plated leather flower

I recently made a small hole in my favorite burgundy bag. Well, don’t throw it away just because I’m such a bungler. It was decided to find a piece of leather to match the color, make a flower out of it, decorate it a little with gold and close the hole. TO

Application of aluminum foil, or food foil for all occasions

Aluminum foil for food is the thinnest flexible sheet of aluminum, the minimum thickness of which reaches 0.001 mm. Food foil is used mainly by many housewives in culinary matters for preparing and storing food. Being non-toxic

Cover for the grade book

For a student, the most important document that should practically always be with him is his grade book. This document is considered not only as a kind of diary for assessments, but is also considered its face. It must be in the cover in order to

Photo frame made from old buttons

Everyone probably has a lot of old buttons at home, and in this article we will tell you exactly what they are for. To make the frame itself we will need: • Cardboard or very thick paper; • Glue (preferably instant); • Pencil; • Ruler. For

House-tent for a pet

It's no secret that all cats have the habit of hiding in the most secluded corners of the apartment. Sometimes such games of hide and seek can cause a lot of trouble for owners, because their pet may start gnawing on wires or simply get stuck in one of these places. To

Bouquet of chocolate and candies

When choosing a gift for any occasion, you always want it to be unusual, but at the same time preferably inexpensive. We offer to surprise the hero of the occasion with such an original bouquet of chocolate and sweets in the form of a piece of cake.

Motanka doll made of yarn

Motanka dolls are not just toys created for children to play with. These are amulets.They can be found in every culture in the world. Historians claim that the first ones appeared more than five centuries ago. These dolls differ from ordinary ones in that they do not have a face.

Cereal bag with transparent window

Comfortable, cute, practical cereal bags are a good gift for a caring hostess. Thanks to the Velcro closure, the cereal will not spill out, and the transparent window will show you if it’s time to replenish the stock. To sew a bright bag you will need thick

Photo frame made of fabric and seashells

It is unlikely that you know a person who does not like the sea. And it doesn’t matter if this is someone who regularly goes to resorts, has been there at least once in his life, or just dreams of warm waves and golden sand under his feet. What do they bring home from the sea? Souvenirs,

DIY napkin rings

When we prepare for the arrival of guests, we always want to give them a warm welcome. We really want to surprise the people close to us not only with delicious food, but also with original table settings. The housewives take out the most beautiful dishes, prepare their signature dishes and


In order to make such a hairpin, you will need: • Three satin ribbons 5 cm wide. • A piece of organza 25?5 cm. • Cardboard. • Scissors. • Ruler. • Candle or lighter. • Moment glue or glue gun. • Rhinestones, beads. • Scrunchy

Unusual wall panel

List of required materials: - A sheet of paper. - Paints. Gouache is preferable, since when painting with gouache, less water is required than for watercolor, and therefore the paper will deform less. - Brush - Jar or glass with

Musketeer costume

It’s so customary: a child must wear a suit to the New Year’s party. It’s easier, of course, to buy a Batman or Spider-Man outfit in the store, and not bother with needlework. But at the festival there may be two, or even four, of such superheroes.

Greeting card "Flower meadow"

Handmade postcards are always a pleasant surprise. Especially if you know that the person who gave it made it, it’s always doubly pleasant. Today we will create such a greeting card that will definitely lift your spirits


Each of us at least once in our lives has encountered the problem of losing a needle, followed by a long search in panic. So, to prevent this from happening to you again, I suggest you make a pincushion with which you will always know where your

Making a textile passport cover

To make a textile passport cover, you will need cardboard with a density of 200 g/m2, scrap paper, purple office paper, checkered and floral cotton fabric, lace, decorations, PVA glue, glue stick, transparent polymer glue,


When organizing a children's birthday party, try the Mexican fun Piñata. A piñata is usually a fairly large papier-mâché shape that is hollow inside. It can be either a complex figure: a bird, a fish, the sun, etc., or a simple one

Napkin holder

Today I will show you how easy and simple it is to make a napkin holder from materials that are probably found in every home.You don’t need any additional skills to make it, so you can use a child if you wish. What do we need

Picture-amulet “Horseshoe”

Since ancient times, finding a horseshoe was considered to bring good luck. According to popular legend, the blacksmith who shoed the unclean man made an agreement with him: he does not enter the house where the horseshoe hangs with its horns down. Every home should have a talisman. Who else but he will protect the inhabitants

Ribbon organizer

If you do handicrafts, then you understand that there should always be order in tools and materials. After all, it affects the quality of work and the speed of its completion. And at one fine moment you notice how beautiful satin ribbons make

Decorative needle bed slippers

Let's look at how to make a decorative slipper-pincushion. Its finished length is about 15 cm. To make such a small thing you will need 5.5 m of satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide. From personal experience I can add that it is especially good