Making beautiful paper for cards

When you're invited to a birthday party, what's the first thing you think of besides the gift? Of course, about a beautiful postcard. Special attention is often paid to the choice of postcard. I want her to be not just beautiful, but also cheerful, suitable for

Fridge magnet

It has long been known that there is no better gift than a gift made with your own hands. By creating a souvenir ourselves, we put our heart, soul, and warmth into it. And if the gift is made from the heart, then this positive energy will definitely be transferred

How to breathe new life into old wallpaper

Most people do not have the opportunity to make repairs as often as they would like. The reasons for this are a modest budget, lack of free time, and more often, both at the same time. Know: any problem can be solved, the main thing is to have the desire and

Spring photo frame

Today I will talk about how to make a beautiful photo frame with your own hands. To make it, you do not need any special tools or devices; all components are available. So, we need a regular photo frame. I chose the most

First aid kit made from plastic bottles

In everyday life, every person has at hand a huge amount of material from which something interesting and special can be made, but not everyone notices this and shows imagination. Plastic bottles - what is not a material? I

Original photo frame

A beautiful frame of an unusual shape is an original interior decoration. It will look good on the mantelpiece in the living room or serve as a nice little souvenir for family and friends. The manufacturing process will not take much time, for

Drawing technique "Scratch"

“Scratching” is an unusual drawing technique. Not even drawing, but scratching elements of the drawing. As a rule, “drawing” is done in black and white, but you can also experiment with the color of the picture or background! To make a drawing using the technique

New Year's garland made of salt dough

When there is very little left until the New Year, I want to bring this joyful moment a little closer. If you don’t bring the New Year closer, you can at least create a festive mood by decorating your home. And if you make the decoration yourself, you can also

Photo frame made from salt dough Lightning McQueen

In order to make a frame from salt dough, we will deviate from traditional manufacturing and for greater granularity we will use not fine salt, but rock salt. We'll make the dough ourselves. For this we need: 1 cup flour, 1 cup salt, 1

Mug stand

Original coasters for a mug can be made very quickly. Such a thing will decorate your own interior, and can also be an original gift.

3D landscape for children

Did the kids blow their minds? They just need something to do! I propose to make a three-dimensional landscape with them. This is a very creative process that will captivate children (and maybe even parents) for a long time. We made such landscapes at home and in art classes. Topic

Painting on a gramophone record

For a long time I kept my favorite records, taking them with me even when moving. But there is still nothing to listen to them on, and one cannot raise one’s hand to throw them away. Therefore, I decided to give some of them a second life and turn them into paintings.

Restoration of an old lampshade

Very often during repairs there is simply no money left for such little things as a new lamp. Therefore, today we will try to transform the old lampshade so that it fits well into the updated interior. Three walls in the room are covered with plain wallpaper, and

Painting "Calligraphy"

Calligraphy is the art of the Chinese people. According to their beliefs, Chinese characters bring happiness, luck and love. In order to start making such a picture yourself, you need to think only about the best, because the process of creating is similar

Bottle with colored salt

A bottle of colored salt is a bright and unusual souvenir for the kitchen, almost made from an axe.

Salt dough souvenir

Salt dough is a universal, and most importantly environmentally friendly, material for making interesting souvenirs, refrigerator magnets, wall panels and other cute little things. This activity will appeal to children of any age.When modeling in children