Pranks and jokes. Page 5

Master classes:

Shaman's Staff of Rain

Let's try to make a Rainstick with our own hands, or, as it is called in Russian, the Staff of Rain. This is an ethnic South American musical instrument that has long left the homes of shamans and is used by many modern musicians.

Fork with cooling

Everyone has probably burned their tongue at least once when eating hot food (this can happen when you are in a hurry or simply don’t want to wait for it to cool down). I propose to build an interesting fork (you can also use a spoon) with cooling.

Electric guitar made from a shovel

An electric guitar made from a shovel is a uniquely crazy homemade product from the punk band Red Mold. The author - Pavel Yatsyna, will not only show how to make this electro miracle, but will also perform a number of excerpts on this guitar. The entire video is made in a crazy punk style.

Spilled coffee

This is how you can play a prank on your friends, acquaintances, and office colleagues. Imagine their shock when they see a mug of hot coffee spilled on their iPhone! Naturally, the coffee in it is not real, it’s not even a liquid, but they only find out later. . .

Glowing Ice

Glowing ice does not melt, does not get cold, but glows.Video instructions for making such a glass with glowing ice.

A real computer mouse

A real mouse is a very cool and unusual device. The mouse, of course, is not real - it is a toy for a cat, bought at a pet store. . .

DIY lamps

Any homemade lamp is beautiful and unusual. Of course, no one has this except you! I will give you a couple of dozen designs of homemade lamps. After all, the main thing is the idea, not the material!

Book - hiding place

A quirky book like this can be a neat way to hide something, whether it's a spare key, a secret note, or even money. Most people wouldn't think of treating your library as a cache of private or personal items. it's the same

Magic wallet

This wallet is a very funny thing. These wallets are sold in oddity stores. Looks very funny. And even a child can make such a craft; look at the diagram or video; it’s very simple.

From old TV

If you have an old broken TV lying around your house, you shouldn’t throw it away. It may still be useful to you. . .

Folk art is a charger of action films.

Without many words. All details are visible in the photo. As the author wrote, this is a cell phone charger from some destroyed militant camp in Chechnya. This is what it is, “folk art” ;)

How can you trick your brain?

Interesting experiments on how you can trick your brain. The article provides various options. . .

CD balls

A very cool thing can be made from unnecessary CDs. . .

If you don't know how to cheat on an exam, watch this!

Here I will offer you one of the ways to cheat on an exam or test. Video instruction.

Magic marker

Video instructions - how to make a marker, or any other felt-tip pen, vibrate when you bring your hand to it.

Lamp - without electricity. . .

A very interesting trick - light a lamp in your hands without electricity. Here we will make a lamp that works by touch. . .

Secret in a bottle.

Video instructions on how to make a hiding place in a bottle. You can hide valuables and money in it without fear that someone will find them.

Useless ideas

These "Useless Ideas" may make you laugh or inspire you to make some unusual crafts that will in turn make you laugh or inspire your friends!

Coca-cola and mentos

A video about a couple of American teenagers being bullied by Cocacola and Mentas.