Crafts. Page 56

Master classes:

Soft envelope for discs for the birth of a boy

When a baby is discharged from the hospital, there are always very positive, bright and unforgettable emotions, which they always try to capture on video. A few years later, you can turn on and review this video, and then show your son himself what he was like

Envelope for wedding disc

To make such a disk, we need to take: Now we will look at a master class on making an envelope for wedding disks. You can use this envelope as a money envelope, and the young people themselves will put their CDs in it and will

Birds made from plastic bottles

If you live in a private house or have a summer house, then you have probably encountered the desire to transform your flowerbed or front garden. The easiest way is to go to the store and buy a nice little plaster figurine. Yes, she will decorate your yard, but

City layout

Patriotic education is important for the further development of the child.There cannot be a comprehensively developed personality without love for one’s native land, the city and country in which a person was born and lived for many years. If you ask a preschool child

Foamiran bow

Foamiran is an excellent material not only for creating toys and flowers, but also brooches and hairpins for little ladies. The beauty of the material is that accessories can be wiped or even washed, it does not wrinkle, does not lose shape, does not fade, unlike

Handbag for girls “Ladybug”

The last few years have seen a significant increase in the popularity of felt accessories. All kinds of keychains, cosmetic bags, baskets and handbags are in demand among both women and little fashionistas. At the peak of popularity today, made from felt,

“Happy Birthday” cards in shabby style

Nowadays, the technique of modern needlework, scrapbooking, is more and more in demand, and products made using this technique are now the most common and widespread. You can make a bunch of different souvenirs and gifts and absolutely

Container for small items

One of the most popular and useful things to make yourself is a container for small items. There are quite a lot of starting materials from which they can be made. And every time the jars for storing all sorts of things turn out to be special, not

Photo frame made from newspaper tubes

From the pages of an old glossy magazine you can make interesting and useful crafts that will become an original gift and decorate the interior. We will make a fun photo frame.In addition to magazine pages, we will need scissors, a pencil and

Book binding + leather cover

Nowadays, book lovers do not necessarily have to visit the library, sit there for hours, and take notes on the necessary material. All you have to do is make one click and the book you need is already in front of your eyes. Fast and cheap. However, there are many reasons for

Box of unwanted books

Printed publications began to lose relevance. Imperishable masterpieces still deserve the best places on the shelves, but one-off editions are only suitable for kindling the fireplace. You can also make an excellent box with your own hands from such a book. Materials

Cover for dishes “Chicken”

An interesting idea for decorating a festive table for Easter! Such a chicken can temporarily hide a vase of sweets or pastries “under its wing”, and at the end of the dinner give your guests a pleasant surprise. Use and application of this handbag

Easter basket

Spring always brings with it many bright and joyful holidays, including the feast of the resurrection of our Most High Jesus Christ, the Feast of Easter. This is one of the greatest church holidays, on the day of which, in fact, very

We sew a green pillow for wedding rings

Not long ago, decorating a wedding in a single color scheme became fashionable. This means that all accessories and wedding supplies should be carefully chosen using one color or several shades of that color. If you are planning

Paper topiary

In order for happiness not to leave the house, it must be retained. A homemade talisman will, of course, help with this. Often after bouquets there is crepe paper left behind, which is a pity to throw away. Handywomen have a lot of different handy items in their closets.

Wooden stool

Every home should have stools. This is comfortable, multifunctional and at the same time amazingly simple furniture. The most interesting thing is that making a stool with your own hands will not be difficult. Of course, you will need certain skills, desire,

Decorating the house for Easter with children

Easter celebrations last a whole week. Since the holiday falls in spring, everyone wants to decorate their house brightly and colorfully in spring. Easter wreaths, painted eggs, and what else can you add to the interior of your apartment? We propose to decorate the house with ordinary,

Egg stand in the shape of a chicken

Easter idea for beautiful decoration of your home! An original stand in the shape of a chicken will make the holiday bright and unforgettable! First of all, it is necessary to prepare bright and dense fabrics that will not fray or fray when cut.

Miniature Easter egg basket

An excellent option for individual packaging of Easter “colors”. A basket of treats can be given to friends, relatives, and colleagues, but it will be a particularly valuable gift for children. They will happily accept it and will certainly be interested in the contents

Painting a wooden egg “Golden patterns”

When preparing for Easter, we pay special attention to the coloring of eggs.But this symbol of the holiday can be immortalized by replacing the chicken egg with a wooden one. I propose to paint a solid wood blank in the shape of an egg as an Easter souvenir. As a basis

Flower panel "Gladiolus with foxglove"

In order to decorate the room and have a good time, you can make a flower panel using the origami technique from paper. Origami gladiolus bushes turn out very beautiful and go well with foxglove bushes. To make them we

Satin ribbon basket

A quick way to create an original basket for the holiday table in honor of Easter! Now serving “krashenki” will be doubly pleasant, and guests will definitely remember such a gift for a long time. To make a small basket with your own hands,

Chocolate girl for birthday

Giving gifts to friends, relatives, and colleagues is always a pleasure, and therefore a piece of your soul and your love should be put into each gift to make it especially pleasant. For example, you were invited to a birthday party and you are at a crossroads

Decorative wreath for Easter

Every time a big significant holiday approaches (New Year, Christmas, Easter, etc.), there is a desire to decorate your home so that the festive atmosphere is felt in every detail. Various thematic paraphernalia, decorative