Foamiran bow

Foamiran is an excellent material not only for creating toys and flowers, but also brooches and hairpins for little ladies. The beauty of the material is that the accessories can be wiped or even washed, it does not wrinkle, does not lose shape, and does not fade, unlike textile accessories.
Let's take for work:
• Pink and burgundy foamiran;
• Scissors;
• Glue gun;
Decor for the bow.
Foamiran bow

From foamiran we cut three strips 1.5 cm wide and 12 cm long. We will need another strip 1 cm wide, and the length will be 13 cm. The material should be cut carefully. Hold the scissors motionless and let the material slide along the blades. Then the edges will be absolutely smooth.
Foamiran bow

Warm up the glue gun well; it should warm up for at least 5 minutes. Connect the stripes into a ring using hot glue.
Foamiran bow

We fix the two blanks together with glue, pressing them well in the middle.
Foamiran bow

We fasten the third element of burgundy foamiran on top, slightly flattening the strip in the middle.
We wrap the bow blank with a thin pink foamiran ribbon. We fix it at the back with adhesive. Drop a little glue onto a thin ribbon at the bottom of the bow and connect the two ends.
Glue on the decor.If desired, you can decorate the accessory with rhinestones. The ends of the pink ribbon can be shortened.
Foamiran bow

Foamiran bow

Such a bow can be attached to a hairpin, headband, to decorate summer children's shoes, or worn as a brooch on a child's handbag or dress.
Foamiran bow
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