Different. Page 36

Master classes:

How to restore a weakened shaft for a bearing

A jammed bearing can rotate on the shaft, gradually erasing it by fractions of millimeters. If you do not change it immediately, then in the future the new bearing will no longer fit, so you will need to build up the leaky shaft. This is usually done

How to make a hand pump for pumping water out of PVC pipes

While floating on a boat, water gradually fills it; it is not always possible to dry the bottom with a cloth due to design features. There are special devices for sale for such purposes, but they are quite expensive. There is a simple

8 unusual ways to use a water stick

Let's look at 8 life hacks from a hollow aqua stick designed for teaching children swimming and therapeutic water gymnastics. It is made from a foamed polymer that is easy to cut, does not sink, holds its shape, stretches and bends, making it a great

How to make a comfortable tool handle from PET bottle caps

The convenience of hand tools is a concern for every craftsman.The traditional handle for a hammer is wooden, but the advent of modern materials has improved its performance characteristics. We offer one of the simplest manufacturing methods

How to catch fish with a plastic bottle

Tourists have situations when problems arise with food. If there is a body of water nearby, then the problem can be solved even in the absence of fishing rods. The device is made from a five-liter plastic bottle and a rope 4–5 meters long. Capacity

How to make a lampshade from a plastic bottle

Anyone can make a very simple, almost designer lamp. This does not require a lot of time and a lot of expensive materials. The article will talk about how to make a lampshade for an energy-saving lamp from plastic bottles, which

Do-it-yourself lift for instantly jacking up a car

It will not be possible to quickly replace the wheels of a machine using a hydraulic or screw jack, since these mechanisms are not fast-acting. If you value your time, then in addition to the jack or stop, make a simple contraption,

Three ideas for crafts made from plastic bottle caps

The network contains a large number of options for making various crafts from plastic bottles. We suggest using bottle caps rather than bottles. There are three quick and easy ways to make the things you need out of them.

Lugs for a walk-behind tractor made from old VAZ wheels

For normal operation of the walk-behind tractor on loose soil, lugs are required. When manufactured at the factory, they are inexpensive, but if you make them yourself, they will cost almost nothing at all. At the same time, self-made lugs are much more

How to make a mini smelter for melting aluminum from a bucket and plaster

It is not difficult to melt tin or lead on a regular gas or electric stove, or even over a fire, since they begin to flow at 232 and 327 degrees Celsius, respectively. This is more difficult to do with aluminum, which only melts at 660 degrees.

A stand for an angle grinder made from the handle of a children's bicycle. Extremely useful homemade product

Good crafts can be made from literally anything. An example of this is a cross-cutting machine for a grinder made from a parent’s handle from a child’s bicycle. This is a removable part, the need for which disappears when the child begins to ride

What can be made from a microwave motor?

A large number of used microwave ovens can easily be found in any landfill. One of the valuable parts that can be removed from a microwave oven is the plate drive motor. This is a 220 V synchronous electric motor with a gearbox

Another useful DIY door hinge device

Although the universal or one-piece door hinge is not particularly intricate in design, it often serves as the basis for the manufacture of original and useful homemade devices and devices. Today we will try to transform the loop into

Just a great use for a canister: a case for a watering hose

Over the years, products lose their functionality and become unsuitable for their intended purpose. For example, no matter how much you restore an old rusty metal canister, it is no longer suitable for storing fuel - you can’t renew it from the inside. But don't rush

How to bend a steel sheet evenly without a bender

During the manufacture of products from metal sheets, there is an urgent need to evenly bend the sheet to the specified dimensions. With a sheet bender, work is much simplified, but not all craftsmen have such a device. There is an easy way to do this and

How to turn a timing gear into a full-fledged wood cutter

Everything contributes to such a metamorphosis: metal, size ratio, the presence of straight or oblique teeth, etc. In a word, a timing gear from a passenger car can serve as an ideal blank for making an end mill for wood.

A second life for an old diamond blade

A worn-out diamond blade for concrete or tile can be converted into a universal tool capable of sawing plexiglass, laminate, boards, plywood, drywall and other materials. The resulting cutting wheel is safe, which distinguishes

Self-centering jig for adding dowels

Dowel connections are very popular among carpenters; this is the only way to make the places where parts are fixed completely invisible. But there is one problem - it is quite difficult to accurately center the holes for the dowels.Professionals do

Wood splitter from an old flywheel and washing machine engine

Manual splitting of wooden blocks, especially knotty ones, is quite difficult and quite slow. Today, this physically difficult work can be accelerated by transferring it to the shoulders of a factory-made mechanical wood splitter. There's just one problem:

Homemade crimp for crimping tubular lugs on a cable

To crimp tubular terminals on a wire, a special crimping tool is required. Usually only those who do professional electrical installation have it; in other cases, purchasing it is not advisable. To do a small

The fastest and easiest way to make a knife handle

Sometimes annoying situations arise when the knife handle breaks for various reasons (manufacturing defects, excessive mechanical loads). It’s a shame to throw away an expensive knife, but it’s impossible to use. There is a fairly effective way to do it

How to make a cool lamp from PVC pipe

Creative ideas often arise unexpectedly and seemingly out of nowhere. But their material implementation gives such dividends that the costs of their implementation actually seem meager. Today we will try from a pipe that looks unattractive at first glance

How to quickly make a bearing housing from a pipe

When working on a homemade device, you may have a bearing that is smaller in diameter than the existing socket or support.An adapter housing will help you get out of this situation, which will compensate for the discrepancy between the actual dimensions

Which cutter will take the bearing

Sometimes it becomes necessary to machine the outer ring of a bearing along its diameter or end. Given the high hardness of bearing steel, which cutter should be selected for this operation on a lathe?