Different. Page 21

Master classes:

How to make a triangular hole in thick steel

A special stamp is used to make shaped holes in thick sheet steel. He pushes them through using pressure. Such a factory-made tool is usually equipped with a hydraulic drive, which is why it costs an incredible amount.

Now it’s convenient to sharpen knives: how to make a simple sharpening device

Working with a dull knife is difficult and dangerous. If it slips off the material, it can injure your fingers. Manual editing requires experience, as it is difficult to maintain the sharpening angle along the length of the blade. Good devices for this purpose cost several thousand rubles. TO

How to make a band saw from bicycle wheels

To cut metal workpieces, you can make a band saw. Bicycle rims are perfect for use as pulleys. When using a sufficiently powerful motor, a homemade saw is generally in no way inferior to a purchased one.

Papillomas will fall off on their own: 5 traditional methods of removal

Papillomas may appear on the neck, eyelids, armpits or other areas of skin friction.These small formations are not a serious medical problem requiring the attention of a doctor. You can get rid of them at home

How to make a high-quality housing for installing a bearing without a lathe

If, when assembling a machine tool or other mechanism, it becomes necessary to make a housing for pressing a bearing onto a plate, this can be done in a regular garage without using a lathe. Moreover, the finished part will look like

Potatoes come out on their own: a simple potato digger for a walk-behind tractor that is easy to repeat

If, when using a regular potato digger, weed roots and tops remains collect on it, causing the walk-behind tractor to be stopped periodically for cleaning, you can convert it into two stands, and the problem will completely go away. With modernized

How to use bottles to purify cloudy water until crystal clear

Those who like to travel far from civilization would do well to make a solar water filter. With its help, you can obtain clean drinking water from a puddle or from the sea.

How to make a free concrete vibrator from a car shock absorber

When pouring concrete structures, you can use a homemade deep vibrator, converted from an old car shock absorber, to compact the solution. It works no worse than a purchased tool, and it costs nothing, minus a couple

How to make a fruit crusher driven by an angle grinder

To grind fruit into puree for squeezing juice on a press, you can assemble a simple crusher driven by a grinder. To make it, you don’t need welding, a lathe or other complex equipment; an angle grinder and a drill are enough.

How to make a powerful juicer from a washing machine

The drum from the washing machine is made of stainless steel, which allows it to be used as a base for assembling a centrifugal juicer capable of pressing fruit juice on an almost industrial scale. The resulting

How to make a hand grater

Feeding farm animals requires large volumes of grated vegetables to be prepared daily. If we are talking about ducks, geese, chickens or one pig, then this can be done quite successfully on a homemade feed cutter with a manual

Life hack: how to make a child's car seat safe

During the summer holidays, many parents are concerned with the question: what to do with their children on the road. One of the necessary things on a long trip is a table for a car seat. With its help, the baby can eat, play and draw. The stores offer a variety of

Do-it-yourself miter saw based on a grinder with a broach

For precise cutting of sheet materials, you can make a miter saw with a broach driven by a grinder. It will also allow you to cut long rolled metal, and when installing the appropriate cutting disc, it will be able to work with lumber and

How to make a cross-cutting machine from an old bicycle and an angle grinder

Outdated mechanisms can be used to make other useful tools and devices. This will rid the site of accumulated scrap metal, and will also allow you to abandon the purchase of factory solutions.

How to make clamping pliers for any purpose with a long gripping distance

When performing various work in the workshop, powerful clamping pliers may be required, effectively replacing a clamp and a vice. They are useful for fixing workpieces when cutting, gluing, drilling or welding. Thanks to the

This grinder machine cleans rusty pipes in no time

If there is a large amount of work to be done to clean pipes from rust, then you can make a machine that can do this 100 times faster. Its design provides for the installation of two grinders for a 125 mm disc, so if you have them, then

How to make a powerful juicer and solve the problem with a bunch of apples

To squeeze juice out of large quantities of apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots or grapes, you need a press. They can process hundreds of kilograms of fruit in a matter of hours. For greater results, you need to load crushed fruits into it. Let's consider

Quick production of a crown of any size for drilling a wall

To drill a large hole, you need a crown, whether purchased or homemade. Naturally, homemade is preferable, since it costs practically nothing. If the store is far away, then doing it yourself is the most convenient solution.

An incredibly simple way to remove pigment spots on the skin

With age, especially with diseases of the liver, gallbladder or intestines, pigment spots may appear on the skin. If you undergo examination in time and improve your health, they will go away, but not as quickly as we would like. You can remove stains by

A tourist hatchet made from a rail without a forge, forging or other complications

For fishing and picnics, you can make an ax-hammer from a rail. If it is equipped with a handle made of an aluminum profile pipe, then it will also be possible to store various small things in it, such as fishing line with hooks, a tripod for a pot, matches or even a small

Tricky cherry picker from PET bottles in 5 minutes

Cherry berries located on the upper branches are extremely difficult to get. If the tree is young and does not have a thick trunk, then you cannot climb it, and there are not always enough stairs. To collect berries from hard-to-reach places, you can make a simple

How to make a light boat from PVC pipes in one evening

A homemade boat is significantly cheaper than a high-quality purchased one, and it is also often stronger and more durable. It can be made from almost anything, from wood to aluminum sheets. All these methods are not so simple and require

The most powerful blower made from PVC pipes and an old vacuum cleaner

Most old vacuum cleaners are sent for recycling due to depressurization of the housing, wear of hoses and filters, while their engine still remains fully functional. It is not very powerful, so there are really good ways to

Useful homemade product from a socket head

If you need to drill just a few holes in metal or wood, there is no point in buying a set of drill bits that will then lie around idle. For this task, it is more profitable to make a crown of the required diameter from an old socket head.