Lifehacks and useful tips. Page 31

Master classes:

How to remove sticker marks on car glass in 1 minute

In 99 percent of cases, it is impossible to simply remove a sticker from the rear window of a car. After peeling off, glue from it remains on the stele. It is also very difficult to remove glue residue yourself without special products. You don't really care about detergents

9 tips from professional carpenters

During the manufacture of various wood products by inexperienced craftsmen, unpleasant situations often arise. Professionals prevent the occurrence of most problems, and eliminate the rest quickly and without any additional effort. Here are a few

How to start a fire with an empty lighter

Anything can happen in life, especially when you don't expect it. For example, you went fishing or hiking. They took a lighter with them to start a fire and did not check its functionality. Upon arrival, it turned out that there was no gas in it and

How to thread a needle without wetting, devices and unnecessary red tape

I won’t say that this is the secret of secrets, but many are not familiar with this simple method. In the classic version, everyone wets the tip of the thread with saliva and with one eye, taking aim, tries to thread the thread into a tiny eye. This same method is often

Removing warts at home

One fine day, unexpectedly for myself, I discovered that a wart had appeared on my face. At first I thought that a pimple had popped off, but for some reason it didn’t go away for a long time, and then it actually increased in size.

How to instantly peel a boiled egg, a life hack for everyone

When preparing to welcome unexpected guests, there are situations when you need to quickly peel a large number of boiled eggs. The process requires quite a lot of time. Additional difficulties arise when the eggs are fresh - it is very difficult for them

Cut potatoes into spirals with a regular knife in seconds

All true housewives always want to please their family with some unusual dish. Spiral baked or deep-fried potatoes will do just that. The dish is incredibly simple, very tasty and made from just one

A second life for an old diamond blade

A worn-out diamond blade for concrete or tile can be converted into a universal tool capable of sawing plexiglass, laminate, boards, plywood, drywall and other materials. The resulting cutting wheel is safe, which distinguishes

How to cut a plastic pipe in a hard-to-reach place

It often happens that the PVC sewer pipe is laid close to the wall or even laid in a recess. It is not possible to get close to it to cut it with a special tool. So what to do then? But there can be many such examples, and not only with

How to make a dispenser from a plastic bottle cap and use cases

This life hack will definitely come in handy for everyone from a housewife to a car mechanic. This dispenser attachment can be used in many sectors of our life. It’s very easy to make it even in nature, just sprinkle some water on the kebab and that’s it.

Comprehensive cleaning of the iron using all available means

Now I will show you how incredibly easy it is to clean the iron not only from the outside, but also from the inside, using products that are always available in almost any kitchen. In one go, the soleplate of the iron and its water tank with all channels will be cleaned. Iron again

How do I freeze eggplants for the winter, the best way

The simplest and most useful option for preparing “blue” ones for future use is to freeze them. But few people know that raw fruits are tough and not tasty. Even after heat treatment, they are very bitter and practically do not resemble the eggplants that we

A way to instantly thread a needle without any tools

You will definitely use this method when you find out how easy it is to thread a needle in a matter of seconds. This does not require any additional devices. In this example, a needle with a large eye will be used first

How to cut a straight hole with a grinder

At home, only a grinder will help you quickly and accurately make a large-diameter hole in steel. Of course, you can drill it around the perimeter with a thin drill, and then grind the perforated edge for a long time, but this takes time.

How to reduce HDD noise to a minimum

No matter what anyone says, there will be no escape from magnetic hard drives (HDD) for a long time. Most modern computers are now sold with two disks: a solid-state one for system speed and a classic magnetic one for storage.

Small tricks for big benefits

Many people know how much time is wasted searching for this or that tool, hardware, etc. Each item should have its own permanent place, one should be convenient, universal and accessible. There are some tips on how to do it

How to Boil Eggs for Quick and Easy Peeling

Are you planning to make salads for the holiday? Naturally, you will need to hard boil at least a dozen eggs. And then clean them too. For some, this is a whole problem. If for you too, then after this life hack everything will be much faster, because

How I freeze tomatoes for the winter, a useful trick

Experienced housewives use various methods of preserving vegetables, including freezing. But different vegetables behave differently after defrosting. I tried to preserve sliced ​​tomatoes this way, but after thawing they look like

Water, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide against rust - I share my personal experience of cleaning a dish dryer

Vacation “crept up unnoticed.” The time has come to do something that you simply haven’t gotten around to doing all year. I've been looking at my dish drainer for a long time. It is metal, bought in an economy class store. The quality is appropriate. So

How to sterilize jars in the oven - save time and resources

Total processing in the oven or microwave will help save time on sterilizing containers before canning. The procedure will not only save your minutes, but also gas or electricity consumption.

How to restore and sharpen a rusty knife

If a knife is not used for a long time, its blade becomes covered with surface rust, which not only spoils the appearance, but also dulls the blade in the first place. There is no point in immediately starting to sharpen a rusty knife - you must first

2 tricks: how to cut a thread with a bolt and seal with copper wire

Sometimes it becomes necessary to restore the thread in the hole of a body part, a nut, or even cut it into metal that is not too hard. When you have a suitable tap with accessories at hand, performing these operations is not difficult. But how

Cast iron frying pan: cleaning and care

Traditional cast iron frying pans have one drawback - over time, food begins to burn. It takes on a dark, ugly appearance and makes the cooking process more complicated.If the carbon deposits are not very old, then you can not only get rid of unpleasant phenomena, but also

The Sure Way to Remove Super Glue from Your Hands

Every master or home craftsman has encountered the problem of removing superglue that has dried on his hands. This substance has excellent adhesion to numerous surfaces, including very strong adhesion to the skin. The crust can be removed quite well using