Useful and interesting. Page 46

Master classes:

A glass of juice in 2 minutes without peeling the pomegranate

Pomegranate juice has incredibly beneficial properties. Unique in its taste and composition, it is highly recommended to drink freshly squeezed. If you buy, then you can count on one finger the number of bona fide manufacturers of a quality product, and the price

How to open a bottle with absolutely bare hands

A wonderful and at the same time crazy life hack, with which you can easily open a bottle even in the forest, with absolutely bare hands, without resorting to any devices. Even a woman can handle this opening method. The method is based on

How to perfectly straighten thick wire in 5 seconds

Sometimes thick steel wire is used to make parts. To make it easier to make something out of it, it must be very even. Aligning it manually using a mechanical method is incredibly time-consuming and labor-intensive. Below is almost

A method for emergency blood pressure reduction without drugs using plastic bottles

Hypertensive patients and elderly people suffer from periodic increases in blood pressure. This is accompanied by poor health, and in severe cases can lead to extremely undesirable consequences, including a heart attack. To avoid this,

How to make a machine for sawing firewood from an electric chain saw

Harvesting firewood with a hand saw is quite difficult, boring and time-consuming. A chainsaw offers many advantages in this regard. And, if on its basis you assemble a machine for sawing firewood, then such work will be greatly facilitated and accelerated.

Storing onions in a city apartment

Many owners of private gardens and summer cottages are engaged in cultivating onions on their plots. A lovingly grown crop of root vegetables can provide a family's need for this spicy vegetable until the beginning of next summer, naturally, when creating

Free Junk Tile Cutter

One of the stopping factors for doing tile work on your own is the lack of a tile cutter. This is a fairly expensive tool, the purchase of which for one-time cladding is impractical. You can get out of the situation by making it simple and

How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

If you need to tie an anchor, thimble, carabiner or other equipment to a rope, it is better to use weaving technology. It is many times more reliable and accurate than a knot or crimp. The weave will never unravel, and the stronger the tension

How to quickly make a hinge for a knife sharpener

This unit sets and holds constant the sharpening angle of the tools, which is the determining characteristic in relation to the cutting properties and stability of the blade. Each tool has its own sharpening angle and depends on the brand used

Welding thin metal using a battery

When making miniature homemade products, it is sometimes necessary to weld thin-walled parts that a conventional welding machine simply burns through. In this case, you can use a car or motorcycle battery to weld the workpieces.

How to make an electric knife sharpener

Sharpening a knife is not a quick task and requires special attention and caution. One might even say that this is a rather tedious task. But some people treat this process very carefully and approach it with all their soul and responsibility. And time

Cleaning the electric kettle: the most environmentally friendly and affordable method

What is the best way to descale an electric kettle? Of course, most housewives will prefer non-chemical products. Although there is a completely alternative option to them, which is no worse, even in some cases noticeably better

Need to cut glass, but don't have a glass cutter? Use a spark plug

If you need to cut any glass, mirror, or even tile, but you don’t have a glass cutter at hand, then this life hack will certainly be useful to you. With which you will learn how to make a homemade glass cutter from a candle

How to open a silicone tube correctly to get the job done efficiently

Many craftsmen and builders are not even aware of this trick, which significantly improves the quality of your repair. For example, you need to apply silicone caulk to a corner gap between two surfaces to seal. If you

10 winter life hacks for motorists

Driving a car in winter is complicated by the presence of snow and frost. To reduce the danger of driving at this time of year and ensure the safety of your car, you need to follow the advice of experienced drivers.

No worse than the factory one: Knife handle made of polypropylene pipe

Since the blades of modern kitchen knives are made from special grades of steel, which are usually subjected to thermomechanical treatment, they last a long time without losing their strength and cutting qualities. Of course, that's why they

How to wash a duvet cover in a washing machine so that things don't get stuck in it

If after washing, you opened the machine door and there was one big lump lying there, then this life hack will come in handy. A 100 percent way to ensure that not a single thing gets inside the duvet cover and interferes with the quality of the stick. It's not so scary,

3 ways to sharpen a grater

Let's look at and check the three most common ways to sharpen the teeth of a grater with your own hands. I just have three equally blunt graters on which we will check everything and everything necessary for this.

7 useful lifehacks with a screwdriver

Everyone knows that an ordinary household screwdriver (drill) is a universal tool. With its help, you can make holes in different materials, tighten and unscrew any fasteners, engage in thread-cutting work, etc. But when

How to peel a bucket of potatoes with a drill in 1 minute

Just a crazy lifehack for peeling a whole bucket of potatoes using an electric drill. Knowing this secret, you can easily feed a whole host of your hungry guests who come to visit you, as usual, without an invitation.

The windows will no longer fog up - a useful life hack for motorists

Absolutely every motorist is faced with the problem of glass fogging. To solve it once and for all, we suggest you familiarize yourself with a simple method, a life hack that will eliminate this very unpleasant “disease” in your car.

8 useful life hacks

8 really useful tips with which you can simplify and make your daily life easier for yourself or your loved ones. Most of the ideas and life hacks will be useful to the home handyman.

How to quickly and easily age paper

Most likely, the thought has already occurred to you of how you can artificially age paper in order to make a secret message for some game or competition. Perhaps there were other needs, such as a secret love letter... If so, then look

Why does the canister have three handles?

Surely every adult has at least once in his life seen a metal canister used for transporting and storing fuel. Typically these are aluminum or steel containers with a capacity of 5 to 20 liters.The design of this container, in that version