DIY gifts. Page 3

Master classes:

Postcards for March 8 - miniature bouquet of flowers

Anyone can make such a bouquet, and most importantly, the most affordable materials will be used for the work. Here's the list: - White paper (like printer paper). - Watercolor. - Container with water. - Brushes: large for filling and thin for small ones

Easter egg basket

Good afternoon. Everyone knows the tradition of giving eggs to each other on the holy holiday of Easter. You can make a beautiful egg basket with your own hands without spending a lot of money and effort on it. And now I’ll show you how to make it. We will need: -

Pink eight

Spring is very soon. And with it will come a thaw, birdsong, a light warm breeze and the first flowers. And March also gives us an excellent reason to please lovely women and give them gifts for March 8th. It will be very original for this holiday

Postcard number

To make such a holiday card you need: - cardboard. - scissors. - glue gun. - compass. - purple beads. - tweezers.- ribbon for decorating flower bouquets in two different shades: orange and lilac. - transparent

Valentine's card

Good afternoon. Very soon the most beloved and romantic holiday among all people in love will come. On this day, it is customary to give Valentine's cards to everyone you love. I believe that such Valentines should be made with your own hands and given from pure

Card for a guy

This card is very original and simple to make. It will be made of paper and fabric, and thanks to its extraordinary performance it will repeat the image of Superman. In order to create a postcard we need: thick cardboard for the base (in this

Marine souvenir

An unusual thing that can decorate the interior of any room is a hand-painted hewn sea stone. Depending on the chosen design, it will decorate a certain room. For example, motifs with exotic fish are excellent

Surprise postcard

Small souvenirs for St. Every lover is happy about Valentina. It’s good if the gift is welcome and pleasant. On this holiday it is customary to exchange valentines. These are small cards with pleasant words and declarations of love. But buy a standard one

candy heart

Those with a sweet tooth will appreciate such a delicious surprise souvenir. It is banal and unromantic to give your beloved sweets in an ugly transparent plastic bag. Even if you tie it with a bright or shiny ribbon, the situation will not

Fleece bear with heart

February 14 is a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day! Don't take this date too seriously, on the contrary, make it light and fun. Give each other gifts for Valentine's Day, write “Valentines”. No need to get hung up on

Tags and miniature cards for gifts

Original gift tags can not only indicate who the gift is intended for, but also work well as a greeting card. And made with your own hands, they are valued much more.


The New Year holidays are coming soon, everyone loves to receive gifts these days. But it’s even nicer when the gift is made with your own hands. Therefore, I propose to knit a cute lamb that will delight not only children, but also adults.

A pleasant surprise for your loved one "Kitties in Love"

Soon my boyfriend and I will celebrate the anniversary of our meeting. I really wanted to do something nice on my own, so to speak, with my own hands. A postcard, embroidery - it’s somehow banal, especially since I often delight him with such surprises. I wanted to

Original gift box

We will need: - Watercolor paper - A container of water - Brush - Watercolor - Glue - Scissors - Pencil - Ruler - Plain paper

Christmas tree made of shells

Required material and equipment: - Plastic cone-shaped wine glass with a stem or cardboard cone, - natural material (shells of different sizes, starfish, colored pebbles, sea pebbles), - decorative material (colored glass,

Wedding gift box

Each of us, at least once in our lives, was invited to a wedding, and some even had the chance to be an honorary witness. On the eve of the wedding, every invited guest faces several difficult questions: the first is what to wear, and the second is

Clock with the image of a Goat

You need to meet the Patroness of 2015 - the Wooden Goat - correctly, then for the next 365 days she will not show her whims and snatch luck from your hands. Preparations for the New Year include decorating the room. Here it is advisable to use

Christmas wreath

What will you need for work? - Flexible thin branches (they can remain after autumn cleaning and pruning bushes in the garden) - Thread in the color of wood (not too thick, threads for sewing are also suitable) - Thick thread (light color or white) - Satin

Postcard “Mishutka”

Necessary materials for creating a postcard: - a needle, - fabric for creating a “bear”, - white and blue threads, - a toothpick and tweezers, - cotton wool, - suede for the “paws”, “ears” and “nose”, - transparent nylon thread, - beads for “eyes”, - glue

Basket with flowers made of nylon

Flowers made from nylon are a wonderful gift for any occasion. Using this technique, you can make an original hair clip, boutonniere, or a small bouquet as a souvenir. In order to build such a mini-bouquet, you will need...


Felting is becoming quite a popular type of needlework these days. Craftswomen manage to felt everything from unspun wool: souvenirs, toys, fabrics, felt boots, slippers, elements of costume jewelry and much more.Today I want to tell you about how

Greeting card "Flower meadow"

Handmade postcards are always a pleasant surprise. Especially if you know that the person who gave it made it, it’s always doubly pleasant. Today we will create such a greeting card that will definitely lift your spirits

Delicate valentine in the shape of a heart

A gift made with love and even with your own hands is always more valuable than one purchased in a store. In addition, any item made independently is unlike others and has uniqueness. Making an unusual Valentine card from ribbons is enough

Gift planter

I present to your attention the step-by-step process of making a “Gift Pot”. It is impossible to imagine life without indoor plants! They surround us at home, at work and in many other institutions. They delight the eye with green leaves, bright