Present. Page 4

Master classes:

Spring cards “Chocolate Girls”

So you and I have finally waited for spring and ahead, only the freshness of spring mood awaits us, the first favorite woodlands and snowdrops, the first buds on bushes and trees, as well as the long-awaited spring trills of birds awakening after

DIY anniversary card

An anniversary in the life of every person is not just the date of the next birthday, but it is a round number, for example, 20, 30, 40, 50 years and so on. It doesn’t matter what the date is or what the number is, but the main thing is that the person feels somehow special on this day

Spring greeting cards

The tiring long winter nights are behind us and ahead of us awaits only freshness, only new spring sensations, and most importantly, a warm, fresh and spring atmosphere, which brings with it the smell of trills, the aroma of spring grass, as well as

Postcard for March 8th in 6 steps!

Do you still think that making a gift with your own hands is difficult or tedious? Then this is the place for you.Today we will make a beautiful postcard for the eighth of March in just 6 steps! First, let's talk about what tools and materials may be useful to us,

Decorating a box of chocolates

What do you usually give to work colleagues or people as a token of gratitude? Of course, a box of chocolates or a tea set. In fact, even such a banal gift can be turned into a masterpiece if you decorate a box of chocolates with corrugated paper flowers. AND

How to make a children's card for a child?

Many of us like to give our children unusual surprises. Such a surprise could be a nice postcard that depicts the sun, a tree of happiness and a real wonderful garden. Today in this article we will consider the simplest method of making

Beautiful postcard for March 8th with your own hands

Spring has come, and with it one of the most beloved holidays, especially by women, is the eighth of March. If you have not yet chosen a gift for your beloved mother, grandmother or sister, you should think about a homemade gift. Today's speech

Postcards “Beloved Daddy”

Dad is the most important and beloved person in everyone's life. Sometimes even for many, dad is even more important or replaces mom. Therefore, whatever one may say, I always really want to please my beloved dad on any holiday, to please him even with a small gift

Master class on making a coffee painting

Many people want to decorate the surrounding space with pleasant things that not only give a good mood, but also to some extent characterize people’s tastes or habits.High-quality artwork is very expensive and not everyone can afford it.

How to make a lush bow for gift wrapping

It is always better to give gifts beautifully wrapped. And at the same time, you can’t do without beautiful paper and decoration in the form of a bow. You can make it from paper of any color according to the proposed master class. To make a bow you will need to take: - a sheet

Master class on making a postcard for dad

The holiday of our beloved men is approaching. Children are especially happy to prepare gifts for dads. They always associate a gift with a surprise, which dad cannot talk about, otherwise it will no longer be so pleasant and unexpected for his beloved dad. WITH

Painting using isothread technique “Birds in the sun”

The isothread technique allows you to create very unusual images. By moving the thread in a given direction, you can embroider such a stunning picture that you just can’t take your eyes off it. For those who know how to sew, creating something beautiful in this form

Envelope with a heart

Such an envelope can be a valentine in its own right. But it’s more interesting if you put a note in it intended for a loved one. Making such a craft is not difficult if you follow the step-by-step recommendations suggested

Painting using isothread technique “Rowan branch”

The isothread technique allows embroidery lovers to try themselves in a slightly different role. Cardboard is used as the basis for the craft, so the sensations during embroidery are completely different than when working with canvas or fabric. Today you will learn

Valentine's card “Letter of Love”

The most romantic holiday of the year is approaching. All lovers think about how to confess their tender feelings to their soulmate. Passion, love, affection, attraction inspire the search for unusual gifts intended for one, oneself

Coffee card-chocolate holder

There are quite a few people among us who are true connoisseurs and true gourmets of coffee. Many people cannot even imagine the morning without a cup of freshly brewed coffee. For them, the day is not considered to begin without their favorite drink. Eat

Folding birthday card

Scrapbooking is an amazing technique that allows us to create incredible masterpieces for absolutely any occasion. For example, you are going to a colleague or friend’s birthday party and decided to give money. As they say, money is money,

Postcard-tunnel “My love”

A postcard is an open letter with a beautiful design on one side and a text message on the other. Previously, all postcards were standard, only the images were different. Nowadays these paper products have become even more colorful because

Giraffes in love

A Valentine card in the form of a paper heart with declarations of love is banal and unromantic. Pictures of love themes look much more interesting. They can depict cats, birds, butterflies and even giraffes. Don't be surprised, giraffes in love

Master class on making postcards for St. Valentina

Valentine's Day is a relatively young holiday for our open spaces, but loved by many people. Of course, you need to talk about your feelings to your loved ones all the time, but it’s so nice to get a special additional reason for this. On this day, soaked

Master class of a box with a lily

The base is made of a container, and the flower is made of shiny plastic suede. In our work we will use: - a small plastic container with a screw-on lid. - paper tape. - scissors. - pink fabric for the box...

Postcard "Rainbow Heart"

To make a postcard with your own hands, you need maximum imagination and a little colored paper. You can cut hearts out of it and arrange them into various designs. Or you can create one heart, but from holes in paper. This is a postcard for February 14th

Painting for Valentine's Day

I always want to congratulate my loved one in some special way. And February 14 is a great occasion to show all your imagination. There are different types of valentines: made of paper, fabric, plastic, sweets or dough. But the main thing is that it’s always nice to give them,

Soap “Piece of Cake”

Handmade soap continues to be popular and arouse interest. After all, it is not only useful, but also very beautiful! Anyone can master the technique of making soap from base, you just have to show a little patience and creativity.