Soap “Piece of Cake”

Handmade soap continues to be popular and arouse interest. After all, it is not only useful, but also very beautiful! Anyone can master the technique of making soap from base, you just have to show a little patience and creativity. On the Internet you can see real masterpieces of hand-molded soap. All kinds of confectionery products stand out especially: cupcakes, muffins, cakes, pastries. Sometimes such soap is difficult to distinguish from real baked goods.
Our master class is dedicated to those who want to master the technology of making such soap.
So, we will make “Piece of Cake” soap.
A piece of cake

A piece of cake

To prepare it we will need:
  • Mold “Piece of Cake”. In our case, this is a professional form that has 4 supports, so we don’t need to look for additional holding devices. White (70g) and transparent (20g) soap bases. The exact amount of base depends on the mold.
  • Fragrance.
  • Dyes (green, red)
  • Stirring stick.
  • Toothpick.
  • Alcohol or special liquid to remove bubbles.
  • Pasteur pipette.
  • A glass of boiling water.


So let's get to work.
Let's start by filling in the small details.In our case, these are berries, leaves and cream on the surface of the cake.
Step 1. Melt the transparent base and add red pigment to it.
Let's take the red base into a pipette and fill all the niches under the berries. We can easily correct any excess, first with a toothpick, then with a paper napkin.
Please note that the base in the pipette quickly hardens and becomes impossible to use. In order to clean the pipette, we need boiling water. We lower the pipette into the glass, then clean it by pressing the tip several times.
soap mold

melt the soap base


Step 2. Fill the leaves. We melt the transparent base and paint it with green pigment. We repeat the same steps as when pouring berries. We clean the pipette by lowering it into a glass of boiling water.
fill in

Step 3. We fill the cream on our cake. Melt the white base and use a pipette to carefully pour it into the recess. Remove excess with a toothpick and napkin. Wait 5-10 minutes for the base to harden.
soap making piece of cake

soap making piece of cake


soap making piece of cake

soap making piece of cake

Step 4. Let's start pouring the top layer of our soap. To do this, you need to melt about 30 g of white base. Add a dye, in our case green, and a fragrance.
The base is still too hot to pour into the mold. Therefore, while it is cooling, it is necessary to prepare small parts for better bonding with the next layer. To do this, we scratch lines on the surface of our berries and leaves, then sprinkle them generously with alcohol.
Pour out the colored and slightly cooled base. Remove bubbles with alcohol. We wait about 30 minutes.
soap making piece of cake

we continue to fill

gradually fill

soap making piece of cake

the basis

soap making piece of cake

Step 5. After half an hour, the layer froze. Depending on the type of base, it may take longer to harden.
Scratch the frozen layer and spray with alcohol.
Melt about 30 g of white base, color it, add fragrance.Let cool slightly and pour into a mold. Remove air bubbles with alcohol.
soap making piece of cake

soap making piece of cake

Step 6. To better bond the layers, we leave our soap to cool at room temperature. As soon as the top layer has completely hardened, remove the soap from the mold.
The mold is made of plastic and also has many small parts and indentations. Therefore, it may be difficult to remove the finished soap. To make work easier, place the mold in the freezer for a couple of minutes.
soap making piece of cake

So, our soap is ready! All uneven edges should be immediately corrected with a paper napkin. Otherwise, soon the soap will completely harden and you won’t be able to change anything about it. We send the cake soap to dry for a day at room temperature, and then wrap it with cling film.
We have created a beautiful, fragrant, unique soap! It will certainly please anyone who receives it. present.
Good luck and creative success!
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Comments (1)
  1. mila
    #1 mila Guests 26 August 2017 22:20
    An original idea for a gift. I would like to try and make such delicious soap myself. Tell me in which stores you can buy similar molds and everything you need for work?