Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 175

Master classes:

Extracting starch from potatoes

Starch is a fairly common source of energy in the human diet. It is found not only in potatoes, but also in many foods that we eat every day. Starch is one of the products of photosynthesis and is widely

Diagnosis of engine condition in 5 minutes without instruments

There are several simple but effective ways to assess the condition of the engine of any car without visiting service centers. This knowledge will be useful not only in the daily operation of the vehicle, but will also help you make the right

Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

The combat bayonet for the legendary AK-74 entered service in the 60s of the last century and since then has remained a reliable soldier’s assistant not only in the Russian army. At the same time, not everyone, even those who served and went on guard, know what

Brass soldering technology

The method of strong soldering of products made of various metals is carried out by heating the soldered parts with a gas burner and using brass as solder.With the widespread distribution of copper automobile radiators, soldering with brass was

Foam varnish

Sometimes there is a need to protect a product from environmental influences. In other words, paint it, varnish it. But you don’t always have varnish or paint on hand that can dry in a short time.

Upgrading an old music center into a new one with your own hands

I have an old music center, which over time “moved” to the dacha, but I really like it. The appearance of the device is so-so, but the sound is simply gorgeous! I'm especially fascinated by its low-frequency amplifier.

Method for shortening a hacksaw blade for metal

There are shortened hacksaws for metal, which require special short blades, which today are almost impossible to find on the shelves of our stores. You can get out of this situation by shortening a standard hacksaw blade, which has

Repair of axle box crane without replacement

Dripping water from a closed tap in the kitchen can easily ruin family relationships. There is also the opposite process - nothing elevates a man in the eyes of his wife more than independently repairing plumbing, electrical and other household appliances.

Soldering various metals with wire from Aliexpress

Aliexpress has a wire called welding wire. With its help you can solder not only aluminum, but also almost all metals! This three-meter wire with a melting point of 360 degrees Celsius will cost approximately $11 54

Restoring broken holes for door hinge screws

Interior doors in our apartments and houses last for decades, but if there are small children who love to ride on them, this period can be significantly reduced. The screws connecting the door leaf to the hinges will eventually break the wood and may

How to revive a ball valve if it is jammed

At some point, you needed to turn off the water supply in an apartment or house, but all your attempts to turn a long-unused shut-off valve ended in failure. The reason for this phenomenon is banal - the use of low-quality plumbing

Cleaning rust and restoring the properties of files

It happens that I didn’t keep track, didn’t notice a file embedded with another tool, and lo and behold, it’s already covered in rust. And it’s a shame to throw it away and inconvenient to use - it “takes” badly.

How to disinfect and remove odor from a cutting board

Disinfecting wooden cutting surfaces is an effective way to get rid of bacteria and microorganisms. They multiply in cracks, chips, on smooth and rough surfaces, feeding on food debris. It is especially important to disinfect

Method of lighting coals without lighter fluid

Let's imagine that when going to a barbecue, you, for some reason, did not buy charcoal lighter fluid. It would seem a hopeless situation: you can’t just light coal with matches, there may not be other firewood in place... But there is a simple and

Homemade device for dismantling SMD without a hair dryer

Surface-mount electronic components, unlike traditional radio components, do not have flexible leads. Passive elements are made in the form of a cylinder or parallelepiped with metallized ends. For microcircuits with many pins,

Quick cottage cheese casserole in the microwave

We bring to your attention a recipe for a very tasty, tender, airy cottage cheese casserole. This dish is ideal for healthy eating enthusiasts. Cottage cheese casserole is an excellent source of strength and energy, so it acts well as

What can you do with a remote control?

The usual path of a home craftsman: we need a certain device, we begin the search for materials and manufacturing technology. We will consider the exact opposite option: there is an initial blank (a working, but unnecessary remote control), but it is not clear how

How to remove a dent in wood

The strength and hardness of wood is several times less than that of metals, even something as soft as aluminum. Therefore, when working with wood, especially at the final stages of its processing, you should be especially careful.

Cleaning your laptop from dust yourself

There definitely and inevitably comes a time when you begin to realize that your “family member” - a laptop (netbook) has become too noisy and unusually hot. And in general - somehow he began to fulfill his duties “wrongly”.

Connecting a three-phase electric motor to a single-phase network

A 3-phase motor can be used to operate from a single-phase household AC network with a voltage of 220 volts.Rework is possible even if there is no extensive experience in electrical work with minimal installation skills. Additional costs

Pomelo - how to clean, benefit or harm

Citrus fruits have long ceased to be in short supply throughout the post-Soviet space. Now on the shelves there are not only oranges, lemons and tangerines, but also miniature kumquats and clementines, and huge pomelos.

Backpack type aeropropulsion from a Ural chainsaw

The device, hereinafter referred to as a backpack, is designed for movement on ordinary skis on a flat surface that does not have thick, fluffy snow cover. Frozen river floodplains and well-worn roads with a slight slope are best suited.

How to make a twisted USB cable from a regular one

The essence of the issue is that the standard cable is very inconvenient because it is long. When you drive, the cable constantly gets tangled under your hands and gets twisted around the gearshift knob.

Battery charger from laptop power supply

The network has repeatedly posted options for using a laptop adapter as a charger for car and other batteries, using a car lamp as a load resistor. It is possible, of course, and so, but much