
Master classes:

Simple onion soup

I want to share a very simple but original recipe for onion soup. They say that it was first prepared in France for King Louis himself, I don’t know which one. But this soup was prepared due to the lack of assortment of products. Was

A simple solyanka recipe

Among hot, hearty dishes, soups rightfully take first place. Solyanka is one of the most nutritious options for preparing lunch for the whole family. This soup satisfies the appetite thanks to several types of meat in the composition. And the added smokedness will give

Quick soup with sausages

To whom should we give the palm for the appearance of such a first course? Germans and Austrians have been using smoked meats for a long time, cooking them on the grill or frying them in a frying pan. Liquid dishes with smoked sausages are not uncommon in various restaurants around the world. This

Preparation for soup and broth

We offer you a recipe for an easy soup dressing that can be used all year round. So, we need parsley or any other herbs to your taste, boiled water and a mixture of herbs or spices. Be sure to rinse and clean the greens well

Fish soup at the stake

Summer fish soup over a fire can be prepared not only from river or lake fish. It turns out even tastier from the sea! For this dish you don't need to use good cuts, just the head and trimmings of red fish such as trout, salmon or salmon.

Chicken soup in a slow cooker

Making chicken soup in a slow cooker is quick and easy. An important advantage of this method of cooking is that homemade chicken in a slow cooker cooks very well and becomes soft, whereas on the stove this result may not be achieved.

Delicious homemade borscht

Everyone loves delicious homemade food. Traditional cuisine is always very tasty, satisfying and beautiful. Today I will teach you how to cook classic homemade borscht, and you will understand that anyone can make it.

Let's learn how to cook delicious borscht

The most popular first dish in many cuisines around the world is everyone’s favorite borscht. Every housewife will undoubtedly have several options for preparing it in her arsenal. Today we invite you to prepare this hearty, rich dish according to our

Rassolnik in Leningrad style

In many Russian families it is customary to cook soups. Usually these are rich thick cabbage soup, borscht, rassolnik, which go well especially in winter. Coming in from the cold, pour a plate of steaming, aromatic, hearty brew - and immediately the world will become kinder, and you -

Soup “Homemade”

Do you want to return to your childhood, to a village house, where your beloved grandmother greets you with a plate of delicious soup? The recipe presented here is perfect for this purpose! Light, delicate, simple, and at the same time unique taste - this is the main thing

Mushroom champignon soup

I suggest you prepare a delicious, satisfying dish from available ingredients! Ingredients: potatoes 14 pcs., champignons 24 pcs., onions 2 pcs., processed cheese 2 pcs., vegetable oil 6 tbsp., water 4.5 l., salt to taste, herbs for decoration.

Cheese soup - quick soup

This awesome cheese soup is quite easy to whip up at home. Actually, I'm not a fan of any soups, but this soup is a joy for me. Its main advantage is not only its amazing cheese taste, but also its simplicity.