Fascinating chemistry. Page 4

Master classes:

Lava lamp

This is a fun, beautiful and entertaining chemistry experiment that can easily be repeated at home. All reagents are available in almost any kitchen, and if not, then they can definitely be bought at any grocery store.

Decorative metal etching

As you know, metal is quite difficult to process at home without special skills and tools, especially if it is such a hard metal as steel. However, you can call on chemistry to help: there is such a chemical process -

Etching printed circuit boards in ammonium persulfate solution

There are quite a lot of ways described on the Internet on how to etch a printed circuit board in a solution of ferric chloride or hydrogen peroxide with citric acid. At the same time, another method of etching is unfairly forgotten - in a solution of ammonium persulfate.

Catalytic combustion is a very simple and spectacular experiment

Today I will show you how to make a home nuclear reactor. I hope your sense of humor is okay, then let's get started.To build a mini reactor you will need a glass jar.

Moisture-proof coating - liquid glass

I will show you how to make a simple and cheap water-repellent or moisture-proof coating - liquid glass. It has long been used by car enthusiasts, covering headlights, windows and the entire body of their car with it. This coating is relevant especially in spring and autumn.

Removing rust with citric acid

This is one of the simplest, safest and most effective ways to remove rust from the surface of old steel tools. The difference between this method is that to restore the metal surface you will not need any scarce reagents or

Unusual night light

Good afternoon Today we will talk about an original night light that will serve as an excellent decoration for your windowsill. So let's get started! The basis is an ordinary 100-watt incandescent light bulb.

Making distilled water at home

Distilled water has quite a lot of uses in everyday life, which I personally did not know about. I only used distilled water to fill the battery. Although its use is by no means limited to this.

Burnishing a knife in citric acid

Burnishing is the process of obtaining a layer of oxide several microns thick. It is also called oxidation, blackening or blueing. This is a dark, almost black coating, but there are other shades. Basically, bluing is used as a decorative

DIY sugar crystals

I'll show you a simple and funny chemical experiment. We used to make it at school, just take salt and grow salt crystals. In this same example, we will take sugar and grow crystals from it. This will be a lollipop, which at the end you can

Hot Ice

I was simply mesmerized when I repeated this beautiful and exciting experiment! It does not contain hard-to-find reagents; all the ingredients are in the kitchen - baking soda and vinegar. This experiment is called "hot ice". He can be

How to make pepper spray

Of course, this is not exactly pepper spray, but rather pepper spray. Which you can use for self-defense. You can buy one ready-made, but if you don’t have the opportunity or the price is too high, you can make pepper spray yourself.

Restoring rusted surfaces

This method of restoring the surface and removing rust is suitable for those who want to return old steel items to their normal appearance and remove traces of corrosion. Probably many of you have found interesting antiques in your grandmother’s closet, or at

Laboratory bath

This laboratory electronic bath has become simply an indispensable assistant for me, as a radio amateur. If you are involved in radio electronics, I sincerely recommend that you repeat it too. I often have to make printed circuit boards. Process

Shaker for stirring the etching solution

A shaker for stirring the etching solution will be a useful device for radio amateurs who practice independent production of printed circuit boards. As the basis of the device, you can use a CD or DVD drive from a computer, with a working

Country alcohol factory

I want to share some of my experience. I have been keeping bees for five years and every year I take my small apiary to a dacha 40 km from the city. I leave at the end of April and back in October, so I spend almost half the year in nature with my

Lava lamp

The lava lamp attracts the eye and makes both adults and children gaze at the little miracle in the bottle. You can make a small lava lamp at home, using the most common products. The main ingredients of such a magic lamp

indicator paper

A couple of years ago, I “ate” a pack of green onions from the store and ... fell ill for a week ... and when I woke up, I checked the remaining product for nitrate content. I was surprised by the fact that the topic is still relevant today. I bring to your attention a simple and

Lava lamp

Good day to all. In this article I will tell you how to make a lava lamp and available materials at minimal cost. To do this we need: Two liquids of different densities; we’ll take sunflower oil as the main liquid, and

Pharaoh snake

Good day to all. In this short article I will tell you how to make a simple chemical effect “Pharaoh's snake”.

Copper sulfate crystals

Copper sulfate, with its characteristic beautiful bright blue color, is most suitable for growing a crystal at home. Unlike a crystal grown on salt, a crystal made from copper sulfate will be sparkling, transparent and bright. For this

Homemade volcano

The proposed volcano model can be easily made at home. It can become a spectacular imitation of the process that occurs in the depths of our Earth. The production of an object is divided into 2 logical parts. The first part is making

About growing crystals at home

You can find quite a lot of information about growing crystals at home. For example, from copper sulfate or table salt. I would like to offer a simple way to grow crystals that look like coral with a turquoise tint. What do we need

Carbonated drinks

People first learned about soda in the mid-19th century. Even then, people appreciated these fizzy drinks and drank water to quench their thirst. Surely, each of you drank sparkling water. In the modern market of soft drinks there is a huge variety of its varieties.