Electronics. Page 7

Master classes:

How to determine where zero and phase are using a multimeter

Determining where zero and phase are using an indicator screwdriver is not difficult. But what if you don’t have it at hand? Use a regular multimeter. There is a little trick with which you can not only determine the voltage

Mini hydroelectric power station made from bicycle parts and PVC pipes

If there is a fast-flowing stream next to your site, you can install a mini hydroelectric power station on it. This source of alternative energy will allow you to receive free electricity around the clock, which is superior to solar panels and wind generators.

How to measure current up to 100 A or even up to 1000 A with a regular multimeter

A conventional multimeter, available to almost any radio amateur, can measure current only up to 10 Amperes. But what if you need to measure a larger current, several times and even tens of times greater than this value? Everything is very simple and now you are in it

How to make a fast linear actuator from a gear motor and an old disk drive

To control various units in toy cars, a linear actuator (drive, actuator) is required. For example, to control the boom of a bucket on an excavator, you need some kind of hydraulic cylinder powered by

How to make a 12V 100A supercapacitor battery for any load

You can power a powerful DC motor not only from a conventional battery, but also from a homemade battery of ionistors. There is a large selection of such 2.7 V supercapacitors on sale. When connected in series using

How to make a mechanical garland switch without knowledge of electronics

If you don’t understand electronics and want to assemble a garland switch with a traveling wave effect, then pay attention to this homemade product. The device is capable of switching different garlands and light bulbs so that they light up and go out alternately, the effect

DIY photo relay for street lighting

The best solution for controlling lamps is a photo relay. It regulates the operation of lighting devices and saves energy. And in this master class I will show you how to assemble a photo relay no worse than the factory one. A photo relay, in short, is a device

How to convert a light motorcycle into an electric bike driven by a manual circular drive

The cost of gasoline is constantly rising, so it is not surprising that there are more and more electric vehicles on the roads. The only problem is that its cost is higher than equipment using an internal combustion engine. For this reason, it is more profitable to redo

USB microscope for soldering from a webcam and an old camera lens

A magnifying glass may not be available for soldering small components. It is much more comfortable to work with a microscope. It connects to a large computer monitor and provides a detailed, clear image. It makes soldering much more accurate and

Assembling a miniature tourist power bank on solar panels

Few people can do without a phone, camera and other gadgets, even on a camping trip to nature or fishing. Therefore, be sure to take a power bank with you on such walks. But it also needs to be charged somewhere. Make your own power bank with

How to start and use the motor from a DVD drive

Many homemade devices require a powerful but compact electric motor. If you have an old DVD drive, then you can remove the motor from it and slightly upgrade it. After this, the engine torque will increase, while

How to convert a regular glue gun into a battery-powered one

A glue gun is used to quickly glue various materials. The hot-melt adhesive hardens literally before our eyes, and at the same time gives a fairly strong connection. The only problem is that the device operates from the network. If you periodically

Repairing the remote control with homemade graphite varnish

Sometimes remote controls for TVs and other household appliances malfunction; this manifests itself as “sticking” keys - in order for the key to work, you need to press it forcefully several times. The weak point of many remote controls is the rubber conductive contacts,

How to make a very simple transistor induction heater

Induction heating occurs very quickly.Heaters made according to this principle are used in factories to heat red-hot metal workpieces for hardening. Similar devices can be used in the home workshop. Collect one like this

Making a high-efficiency solar water heater with a power of 1600 W

In recent years, solar collectors for heating water have become increasingly common on garden plots. With their help you can actually get practically boiling water on summer days. They are also used to heat the coolant during heating. However the price

How to convert an asynchronous electric motor into a powerful electric generator

Many people think about obtaining free electricity by converting the kinetic energy of wind or water into it. Wind generators or mini hydroelectric power plants of sufficient power sold for this are very expensive. To save money, a generator for your

How to make a stereo computer microphone with decent sound quality

Any computer user may need a microphone, be it to record a voice message in a messenger, calls or video calls, record a voice or a musical instrument. Low-price microphones are sold on every corner,

How to make an electronic stethoscope

Stethoscopes are associated primarily with medical devices used to diagnose diseases based on the sounds of the lungs and heart. However, in addition to this, they are widely used in other areas, for example, they are used

How to make a fast heating induction cordless kettle

Induction heating of liquid in a steel pan occurs much faster than simply placing it on a fire or electric stove. This principle can be used to make a cordless kettle. Such a device will allow in a minute

How to make a soft starter from available parts and extend the life of electrical appliances

Electric motors of household appliances and tools often fail because they cannot withstand high starting currents. Those many times exceed the rated load for which such equipment is designed. To protect your devices from

How to assemble a simple extension cord with a soft start for a power tool

Electric motors of tools equipped with soft start last much longer. Unfortunately, its presence significantly increases the cost of the equipment. If your drill, circular saw, grinder or jigsaw does not have a soft start, then make them

How to make a 220 V 50 Hz battery

At a picnic, there is often a lack of household appliances powered by a 220 V network. By making such a battery, you can power it from it. A similar homemade battery also helps out if there are power outages, allowing you to

How to make a wind generator from a hoverboard motor wheel

Most often, wind generators are made with a horizontal axis, which works only if there is a tail blade that turns the propeller in the wind. However, there is an alternative vertical axis design that can instantly sense

How to fix a non-working fan - the 1 most common cause of failure

There are many reasons for fan failure. This is often due to the blades breaking due to a fall.But what to do if the device simply stops turning on. Let's try to understand the main reasons for this.