Electronics. Page 37

Master classes:

How to connect control buttons to the starter

To control the operation of the engine and other powerful consumers, a starter is required. Why is it needed? Firstly, so that you can display the control buttons anywhere you want. The use of automatic machines limits this area, since

How to make a choke for a DRL 250 lamp

Since DRL 250 high-pressure lamps have a fairly long service life and high efficiency compared to incandescent lamps, they are successfully used to illuminate summer cottages, the courtyard of a private house, and sometimes even indoor garages. They

Laboratory power supply

Good day to all! Today I would like to present to your attention the Laboratory Power Supply (LBP). I think every beginning radio amateur is faced with the problem of obtaining the necessary voltage for one or another of his homemade products, because every

Home generator for 5 and 12 volts

Has anyone ever encountered a situation where a smartphone curses because the battery is low, and as luck would have it, the lights were turned off? I think many.Or is it the same story with your favorite netbook, which has 12 volt power? Or do you need an autonomous light source,

Repair of switching power supply

Video cameras, like cars, have now ceased to be luxury items and have become necessary devices. But, if the video camera itself is made with high quality and its failure without any external reasons is an infrequent phenomenon, then with

Simple soldering iron temperature controller

For decent quality soldering work, a home craftsman, and even more so a radio amateur, will need a simple and convenient soldering iron tip temperature regulator. For the first time I saw a diagram of the device in the magazine “Young Technician” of the early 80s, and having assembled

Simple audio transmitter

This transmitter showed good quality of transmitted music, so I recommend starting with this circuit. As practice has shown, an assembled generator on one transistor cannot; they stand in one place, without an additional cascade, constantly

Car battery charger

Every motorist sooner or later has problems with the battery. I did not escape this fate either. After 10 minutes of unsuccessful attempts to start my car, I decided that I needed to purchase or make my own charger. In the evening

Charger for portable batteries

On one of the amateur radio sites I saw a circuit for charging portable Ni-Mn and Ni-Cd batteries with an operating voltage of 1.2-1.4 V from a USB port.Using this device you can charge portable batteries with a current of approximately 100

Car inverter 12-220V

I bought myself a car six months ago. I will not describe all the modernizations made to improve it, I will focus on only one. This is a 12-220V inverter for powering consumer electronics from the vehicle's on-board network. Of course it would be possible

Amplifier based on TDA7496SA

There were only diagrams on these microcircuits on the Internet, but I couldn’t find the assembled amplifier. Operating mode AB, Supply voltage 10…32 Volts, Stereo configuration, Operating temperature 0…70 degrees. Such chips can be found in modern TVs

Thermal relay for hood

How to make an automatic hood? - It's not at all as difficult as it might seem. There are very different options, but I settled on something like a thermal relay. It will work like this: on a gas or electric stove code someone will do something

Indicator probe without batteries

The simplest work related to electricity is difficult to perform without measuring tools. It is not at all necessary to measure the parameters of an electrical circuit with a tester; in many cases it is more convenient to use a universal probe that infects the presence

Upgrading an energy-saving lamp to LED No. 1

Many thanks to the manufacturers of modern energy-saving lamps. The quality of their products constantly makes us think and pushes us to new technical solutions. So this time we will consider the topic of remaking a failed

Upgrading an energy-saving lamp to LED No. 2

The topic of converting or upgrading failed fluorescent (energy-saving) lamps into LED lamps has been raised more than once. May the authors of these articles forgive me, but most of the proposed options are ineffective and certainly not aesthetically pleasing.

LED daylight lamp

Deciding to keep up with the times and save my money in the future, I decided to make some useful innovation. Or rather, convert lamps with fluorescent lamps into lamps with LED lamps. Long service life, saving

Smooth load switching on and off

Probably many people wanted to add something new to their car, today I will tell you how to do this without special costs and technical changes in the design of the car. The device that I want to present to you today is not a large adjustment circuit

Sound amplifier on TDA2030A chip

I found an unnecessary circuit board from a TV. The TDA203A microcircuit caught my eye. I know that TDA brand microcircuits are low frequency amplifiers, there is a lot of information about them on the Internet. I decided to build my own simple amplifier according to the circuit...

Simple soldering station

Modern imported soldering irons often have an overheating problem. And domestic ones sometimes experience underheating, and it is also observed when the voltage drops. In this article I will tell you how to solve these problems and also make soldering more efficient.

Universal usb charger

It is no secret that the overwhelming number of computer users use convenient and compact laptops as such. At the same time, the touchpad never became a full-fledged, and most importantly, convenient replacement for a mouse. The most convenient option for working on

Amplifier based on STK402-020…STK402-120

Today I would like to tell you about an amplifier which, in my opinion, is an excellent solution in terms of price-power-quality ratio. And so, today we have the STK series microcircuit in the leading role. stk chips are hybrid chips that

Six-channel audio amplifier

The idea of ​​creating a six-channel speaker system has existed for a long time. Having set a goal, I studied the characteristics of the sound card in detail and found out that it supports as many as 7 sound channels. Since I have a good understanding of electrical circuits, I

Simple ULF on TDA2003

Today we will assemble a simple mono audio amplifier using the TDA2003 chip. The TDA2003 chip can be removed from an old radio or bought on the radio market. Other details too. The amplifier is powered by 3-12 volts. The sound source can be a player

Stereo FM transmitter from MP3 player

I don't have a car, but I decided to use this little thing in my own way. Like a stereo transmitter. Why do I need this? And in order to broadcast sound from a laptop to a music center. The thing is that I like to watch movies on the big screen, on