Electronics. Page 35

Master classes:

DIY solar battery made from diodes

Making a real solar battery at home is almost impossible. To do this, you need not only specialized factory equipment, but special chemicals that cannot be found so easily. But if you suddenly feel really impatient,

Electric mousetrap

During my life I have seen many different mousetraps and rat traps. It’s not that I’m in any way interested in this, but I was just faced with removing mice from the house. I'll tell you how to make a mousetrap that will kill a mouse with an electric discharge.

Simple wall lighting lamp

This wall lamp provides smooth and even illumination. This is achieved by the fact that light is reflected from external obstacles and scattered. If desired, such a unique lamp can be assembled in about 30 minutes, having everything at hand, of course. This wall

Simple amplifier based on LM386 chip

This amplifier can be used by radio amateurs as a power amplifier in radios, players, various toys with sound effects, as a headphone amplifier, etc. The range of applicability is very wide.

Simple mobile signal detector circuit

A cell phone signal detector can detect the presence of an activated cell phone from a distance of about one and a half meters. Thus, the detector can be used to prevent the use of mobile phones in exams, in

Simple inverter 12V - 220V 50Hz

What distinguishes this converter is that it provides a full sinusoidal voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz. The inverter converts 12 V DC to 220 V AC, frequency 50 Hz. It has a minimum number of components and small size.

Lunar night light

A moon night light is a moon-shaped wall light that turns on automatically when it gets dark. The automatic switching circuit is built on only two transistors. A night light in the shape of a moon is very original, beautiful and unusual.

Simple high voltage converter

A very simple 50 kV converter, which essentially contains three elements. All components are available and can be easily found if desired. The high voltage converter can be used for various high voltage experiments.

Bicycle generator

I just recently bought a bicycle for commuting to work, and in general, to ride and enjoy cycling.For safety, I turn on my front and rear lights to help road users see me better. My

A simple driver for a high-power LED

Probably everyone, even a novice radio amateur, knows that in order to connect a regular LED to a power source, you only need one resistor. But what if the LED is powerful? Watt so 10. What to do then? I'll show you a way to do it

Electronics Destroyer

Imagine that you have a device that can destroy any electronics from a distance. Agree, it looks like the script of some science fiction film. But this is not fantasy, but quite reality. Such a device will be able

Simple lie detector

A simple detector that will show whether a person is lying or telling the truth. Of course, it is far from a real, modern lie detector - a polygraph, but it deserves attention, since anyone can make it with their own hands. Like

Free electricity for lighting

The idea of ​​obtaining free electricity is using the potential difference between the network zero and the ground. A small disclaimer: this method of generating energy works 100 percent. This is not a hoax, no incomprehensible device that draws electricity from

The flashlight is powered by the heat of your hand

What kind of human energy is not used to convert it into electricity. Now we got to the thermal one. I'll show you how to make an eternal electric LED flashlight that uses the heat of our body. One of the Western companies

Free energy at your home

The simplest thermal power plant is free energy that can be obtained at your home. This mini power plant uses heat from your central heating system. Why free? - Because all the heat stays in your home and nowhere

LED power supply from 1.5 volt battery

LEDs have long replaced incandescent light bulbs in almost all areas. This is understandable: LEDs are brighter than lamps, given their energy consumption. But LEDs also have a number of disadvantages. Of course, we won’t talk about everyone, but

Do-it-yourself solar power plant

Solar energy is no longer an innovation, but a reality that today is available to almost everyone. In this master class I will show you how to make a completely autonomous power supply system for your garage. Although the garage has a stationary

Simple water leak alarm

Our life is unpredictable and the least expected can always happen. For example, a water leak may occur in a place that seemed particularly safe. In order to react in time and find out about such a water leak from the initial

The simplest inverter 1.5 V - 220 V

I have never seen an inverter circuit simpler than this one. To repeat, you will need a minimum of parts - no more than 10 pieces. To obtain an output voltage of 220 volts, we need one 1.5 volt AA battery. Inverters

DIY gas leak sensor

Hi all! In this article I will tell you how to make a simple gas leak sensor with your own hands from available parts. Probably, now even any schoolchild knows that such a dangerous gas as methane has no odor, and it can be detected in the air without

Simple DIY hidden wiring detector

An AC voltage detector is a device that detects the presence of alternating current, over a short distance, without any electrical connections to the line. This simple device will help you determine the presence of a life-threatening

Cheap laser projector

Laser projectors can be divided into two main categories. Either they use diffraction glass/foil to project the pattern, or they have a system that moves the laser beam in XY directions, i.e. classic

Laboratory bath

This laboratory electronic bath has become simply an indispensable assistant for me, as a radio amateur. If you are involved in radio electronics, I sincerely recommend that you repeat it too. I often have to make printed circuit boards. Process

Power bank with flashlight

We often find ourselves in situations when the battery of our device (tablet, smartphone, portable speaker, etc.) runs out and we are far from the power supply. In this case, a power bank can help us, but not everyone can afford expensive ones.