Electric mousetrap

During my life I have seen many different mousetraps and rat traps. It’s not that I’m in any way interested in this, but I was just faced with removing mice from the house.
Electric mousetrap

I'll tell you how to make a mousetrap that will kill a mouse with an electric discharge. The design is as always simple and uncomplicated.

What do you need to make a mousetrap?

And also: wire, wires, a piece of profile, a bottle, hot glue, etc.

We need a half liter plastic bottle. You need to cut the neck straight. To do this, first mark the cutting line with a marker.
Electric mousetrap

Let's cut it off.
Electric mousetrap

We take a piece of galvanized profile for attaching drywall. Cut off a small piece.
Electric mousetrap

We take the switch.
Electric mousetrap

We mark a seat for it.
Electric mousetrap

Drill a hole in the center to make it easy to cut.
Electric mousetrap

Cut with metal scissors or another method.
Electric mousetrap

Install the switch into the hole.
Electric mousetrap

Unscrew the bottle cap halfway. We take a drill, attach a thin drill, and drill a hole in the cap without screwing it completely off the bottle. We drill from both sides.One hole is as high as possible at the top so that the passing drill does not touch the neck, and the second hole is as low as possible so that the drill goes through both the lid and the neck.
Electric mousetrap

Next, unscrew the cap and drill a hole on the neck of the bottle with a large hole.
Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

Then, a little lower, we make two more holes just for the neck with a thin drill.
Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

We need a piece of wire. Let's bite off a piece with wire cutters.
Electric mousetrap

Let's make a U-shaped one and insert it into the small holes.
Electric mousetrap

Let's fold it like this:
Electric mousetrap

Screw the lid until the holes line up. Screw the screw into the small hole.
Electric mousetrap

As a result, we have a knot; when the lid is rotated in one direction or the other, the self-tapping screw touches the wire. This will be a kind of switch.
Electric mousetrap

Glue the resulting assembly to a piece of profile.
Electric mousetrap

Then we take a larger piece of wire, bend it as in the photo and push it into the hole on the other side of the lid. Fix with hot glue. This will be the electrode.
Electric mousetrap

We assemble the entire structure.
Electric mousetrap

Drill a hole for the wire.
Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

Next, we cut out a strip from the remains of the bottle and bend it. This will be a spring.
Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

Using hot glue, glue it exactly in the middle between the angle of rotation of the lid.
Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

That is, now, after any displacement of the electrode, it will return to its place.
Electric mousetrap

Drill a hole for the wires.
Electric mousetrap

Solder the wires and assemble the circuit.
Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

This is a high voltage converter that converts 9V from a battery into 7000V.
Electric mousetrap

Place on hot glue.
Electric mousetrap

We pass a high-voltage wire and attach it to the electrode.
Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

We insulate all connections with the same hot glue and attach them to the body so that nothing dangles.
Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

We also put the battery on hot glue.
Electric mousetrap

All is ready.
Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

How a mousetrap works

A piece of lard is hung on a hook located in the center (mice and rats love it). The mouse approaches this piece and naturally tries to drag it away.She pulls it. As a result of this thrust, the contacts located towards the roof close. And the current from the battery will flow to the high-voltage converter. The transducer electrodes are connected to the hook and bait and to the profile. As a result, high voltage will be passed through a rat or mouse that tries to steal the fat, which will kill the rodent.
Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

Electric mousetrap

Unfortunately, there is no video of actual mouse catching. But don’t be upset: the copy is completely working.
Be very careful when working with high voltage! Good luck to all!

Watch the assembly video

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Comments (5)
  1. Ivan
    #1 Ivan Guests 14 November 2017 15:30
    There are a thousand much simpler and more effective ways, but this is just a hassle.
  2. Lech
    #2 Lech Guests 21 September 2018 15:49
    I will say more, there are similar factory-made mousetraps. It also kills with electric shock, but at the same time the mouse remains in the box, from where it can be easily removed without touching or even seeing it. Very convenient for women who are afraid of rodents
  3. Natalia
    #3 Natalia Guests 24 September 2018 13:54
    Well, well done author, he put together a cool thing, but I am for factory production, that is, I agree with Ivan one hundred percent. I’ve been using it for several months now, mice periodically come into my home, but from there they only go to the trash heap. I have never seen a better mousetrap.
    1. Dimych
      #4 Dimych Guests June 24, 2019 00:20
      Well, here, as always, either direct hands or money rule. because a factory rat trap costs 2.5-3 thousand and more. and this thing that the author has will cost a maximum of 200 rubles. well, half an hour of wasted time. Yes, everyone has different hobbies, and tinkering crafts I don't think it's the worst of them...
  4. Guest Anatoly
    #5 Guest Anatoly Guests 17 July 2021 16:13
    Why such a very complex contact system? kissing_closed_eyes