How to attach a drill chuck to a thin electric motor shaft using a bolt

When making a homemade drill press, router or CNC router, you may need to directly install the chuck onto the thin shaft of a 775 series motor. For this you need a special adapter. It is made from a regular bolt.

What you will need:

The process of making an adapter from a thin shaft to a drill chuck

The first step is to select a bolt with the same thread as is used on the spindle of the drill or screwdriver for which the chuck is intended.

Then we measure the diameter of the motor shaft. In this case, for the 775 motor it is 5 mm. The bolt is installed in a lathe and drilled lengthwise with a 5 mm drill.

Also, its head must be checked crosswise and an M3 thread cut into the hole.

If necessary, the excess length of the bolt can be cut off with a grinder.

Then the bolt is wrapped in a cartridge so that it cannot be unscrewed without permission.

The resulting adapter is put on the motor shaft, and then pressed with screws screwed into the head. It should rest against the groove of the shaft.

That's it, the cartridge is connected.

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Comments (3)
  1. Peter
    #1 Peter Guests 24 February 2022 18:25
    Fitting a heavy cartridge onto a thin shaft is dangerous and pointless. When you try to unwind the cartridge, the shaft will begin to bend and the cartridge will begin to beat. The higher the speed, the stronger the beat. It might break. It will not be able to operate even at 1/3 of the rated speed.
  2. Sergey K
    #2 Sergey K Visitors 24 February 2022 20:53
    First, we simply don’t have such bolts, unless you’re lucky enough to get a flying fortress from disassembly!
    Even the dies are very rare, no one had them at the market as much as I looked for, but I bought them in China on occasion, especially for such purposes
  3. Sergei Strukov
    #3 Sergei Strukov Guests 20 August 2023 16:47
    A lathe, you say.