Decorative collar for evening wear

One of the most trendy accessories this season can be called a decorative collar. It has been a leader among decorations for several seasons now. Moreover, there are an unlimited number of options for its use, it all depends on the design of the product. You can refresh a classic, evening or even sporty look. We present to your attention a master class on creating a decorative collar for an evening look with your own hands.
First you need to purchase the necessary material. To do this, it is best to visit specialized stores (everything for sewing).

To create the decoration you will need:
• A small piece of leather or very dense fabric of golden color 30*30;
• large (10 pcs.) and medium beads (20 pcs.) blue and white;
• metallized gold thread;
• needle;
• sew-on buttons;
• gold varnish;
• scissors.

Decorative collar for evening wear

We fold the piece of leather in half with the wrong side up and draw the shape of the future collar using a pencil (you can even use a simple pencil from a school kick-box). To create a pattern for the product, you can copy the pattern of a real collar from an old jacket or shirt.You just need to cut off the old collar and transfer its contours to the fabric. Well, or draw the necessary shape yourself. Carefully cut out the collar pattern.

It is best to finish the edges with metallic thread to match the color of the product. It is necessary to do this manually, so you once again emphasize that this is handmade. The next step will be decor products. On the front side, mark with a pencil the places where the beads will be sewn.

We use the same thread to sew on the decor. First small blue beads, then larger ones. Be sure to do this in two stages so that the decor holds tightly. It is also possible to use glue to attach the beads.

Next, you need to attach sewing buttons to the edges of the product using thread and needle. The final step will be to coat the buttons with gold varnish so that they do not stand out from the overall color scheme of the product.

This wonderful accessory can adequately decorate your evening or cocktail look. For example, you can wear it with a delicate blue dress or blouse. And in combination with a laconic white or black look, it will add a touch of brightness and individuality. In general, you can come up with any other design for your decoration yourself and make an exclusive product in half an hour. The main thing is desire and imagination.
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