Preparation of real USSR kvass as from a yellow barrel

Making kvass according to the USSR recipe

Cut 1 loaf of wheat-rye bread into small squares, place them on a baking sheet to dry completely and fry in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees Celsius.

Moreover, the bread squares around the perimeter must be slightly burnt. This will give the finished kvass a unique bitterness, amazing color and unique taste.

Next, prepare 6 liters of water, which we pour into a pan and heat.

Add a few tablespoons of sugar to the water that has not yet boiled, but not too much. When the water boils, cover the pan with a lid and put it in the bath to cool. It is very important that the water is completely cooled.

Dip the crackers into the water, lightly pressing with a spoon, and add 1 teaspoon of yeast without top to the first kvass. In the future we will use only sourdough. We also add 2 tablespoons of malt, but you can do without it.

Mix the contents of the pan thoroughly, cover with a lid and place in a place where the temperature reaches 30 degrees Celsius for about 1 day. We check the readiness of kvass by gas formation.

If the process of gas formation has begun, then you can begin to strain the kvass. But first we transfer some soaked crackers into a glass jar and pour in a few spoons of kvass. This composition will be the starter for preparing subsequent portions of the drink.

The starter should be stored in the refrigerator, tightly closing the jar with a lid. Squeeze out the remaining crackers and remove. Pour kvass into bottles through a funnel, straining, preferably 2 times, through 6-8 layers of gauze. We wash the gauze periodically.

To add a special taste, add 3-4 raisins to the bottles, screw on the caps tightly, keep the strained kvass in the refrigerator for 24 hours and the divine drink is ready to drink.

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