We reliably repair a mosquito net in a couple of minutes

The cat tore the mosquito net. Or the birds pecked. Of course, you can cover the break with tape, which will look untidy, collect dust and dirt, and eventually fall off. But it can be done well.

Reliable mosquito net repair

Remove the mosquito net from the window and place it on a flat surface. It is convenient if the surface is white - it contrasts with the dark mesh. Using a steel ruler and a segment knife, cut out the damaged area. We make the cutout in the form of a rectangle. This will be more convenient in the future when making a patch.

The patch must be cut to the size of the removed damaged area. In other words - butt.

We put it in place. Next comes the most crucial moment. Let's take a soldering iron and, holding the patch with the same metal ruler, carefully begin to “solder” the patch to the base. Mosquito nets are made of plastic and under the influence of the temperature of the soldering iron, the patch and mesh will begin to fuse.

It is better to first practice fusing the edges of the mesh on an unnecessary segment.It is convenient if the soldering iron has adjustable heating temperature. There is nothing complicated, the main thing is accuracy and unhurriedness.

The result of the work in the photo.

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