How to Make a Hanging Pocket Knife Case

Sometimes it happens that the pocket knife we ​​bought does not have a clip for attaching to a belt. That’s how I missed this moment - the quality of the knife and the brand overpowered it. My knife (the so-called lightweight version) did not have a hanging strap in the package to carry it on a belt.

Only in your pocket, or on your neck, on a lanyard. But I’m not used to wearing a knife around my neck, and it always gets in the way in my pocket, no matter what pocket I put it in. I had to go back to the store and look at the full version, with a strap. Having examined this hanging strap, I did not regret that I took the lightweight version - it would have been stupid to overpay an extra fifteen hundred for a strip of leather and flint. I made this strap myself in 15 minutes! And anyone can do this!

Will need

  • A piece of leather, about 20 sq. cm.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler and marker.
  • Instant glue.
  • Leather belt clasp.
  • Plastic clasp for attaching to a waist belt.
  • 1.5mm drill bit with drill.
  • A tube with a diameter the size of the fastener head for the future case.

Making a hanging case for a pocket knife

Place a piece of leather on a flat surface and, measuring a strip of 1.5 by 15 centimeters with a ruler, cut it off with scissors.

Wrap the strip around the base of the sheath, use a marker to measure where the seams meet and cut.

Next, measure the distance: one and a half centimeters from the edge of the sheath to a place five centimeters above the handle of the knife sticking out of the sheath.

Then cut a strip of leather at the replaced distance, 2.5 centimeters wide.

Now we glue the ends of the first strip to the base of the wide strip, butt joint. Like this:

Cut another strip, 1 cm wide.

We put the workpiece on the sheath with the knife, and try on a thin strip from the joints of the workpiece on the rear inner side, over the handle of the knife, to the end of the strip on the base of the sheath.

Cut off the required piece. Glue it to the joints of the workpiece on the back side.

We put the blank on the sheath with the knife, and use a marker to measure the place where the clasp will be attached. Like this:

It is screw fastened. Sold in any jewelry store. We drill a 1.5 mm hole in the marked place and fasten the fastener in it.

You can glue a piece of leather to the inside of the clasp on the head of the wine so that it does not scratch the sheath. Now you need to make a hole on the fastening strap for the fastener. We try on the strap, mark the location of the hole, and drill it with a tube of suitable diameter.

If the hole turns out to be too small, you just need to make a cut with a knife from the top edge, deep into the strap, 2 millimeters. The main thing is that it does not have a larger diameter. Next, you need to glue one of the halves of the plastic fastener to the edge of the wide strip. Such fasteners are usually found on backpack straps. So, we bend the wide strip inward so that its fold is at the level of the end of the handle.We thread half of the fastener into the fold and glue the end of the strip to its continuation from the inside. Like this:

This completes the case.

All that remains is to make a strap for the waist belt, from a strip of leather and the second half of the clasp. We cut off another long strip of leather, taking into account the width of our waist belt on both sides, and with a margin of another five centimeters. The width should be such that the strap can be threaded through the clasp. We thread the second half of the fastener into it by 2 centimeters. Apply glue to both sides of the fastener and glue it together. We glue the second end of the strap to the fastener loop so that the resulting strap can be threaded into the belt. This is what it should look like:

Nothing complicated. Thus, we can attach or detach the knife from the belt at any time without unfastening the belt itself.

In the same way, you can make hanging cases not only for knives, but also for lighters, and for other bulky small items that get in the way in your pocket. And one more thing - it is important to use only real leather, because it has natural pores into which the second glue, which has incredible fluidity, freely penetrates. And the gluing turns out to be monolithic. The leather substitute will quickly tear when glued. It will burst near the gluing area. It is better to stitch leatherette with a special thread.

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