How to make a check valve for sewerage from PVC pipes

An overflowing septic tank can result in dirty waste flowing back into the room. To prevent this unpleasant incident, it is enough to provide a check valve in the drain system. Any adult can do it.

Will need


  • plastic pipes of different diameters;
  • old bicycle tube;
  • superglue 502;
  • two-component glue;
  • bolts and nuts;
  • waterproof glue.

Tools: marking and measuring equipment, drill, heat gun, file, pliers, cloth, scissors, hammer, etc.

The process of manufacturing a check valve at the outlet of a sewer pipe

We mark a PVC pipe with a diameter of 9 cm and cut blanks 20, 10 and 3 cm long. Cut blanks 10 and 3 cm along the generatrix.

Using a sheet of paper, mark one end of the 20 cm piece under the oblique cut to a depth of 5 cm. We remove unevenness in the oblique cut by grinding it on the surface of the concrete screed.

We heat a workpiece 10 cm long with a hair dryer, bend it and turn it into a plate, using an additional hard wooden circle and a cloth napkin.

We draw a line in the transverse direction along the center of the plate, set aside 10 and 11 cm from it to the sides, and also draw lines. We mark a 10-centimeter section of the plate in the longitudinal direction with four lines, spaced from the edges by 1 and 3 cm, respectively. We cut out the outer and central fragments, as a result we get 2 strips 2 cm wide. We also cut off a section in the transverse direction beyond 10 cm.

We heat the strips one by one and, using a plastic tube with a diameter of 1.6 cm, form ring loops that are symmetrical with respect to the rest of the plate. We make sure that the plate rotates freely on its hinges around the tube.

From an old bicycle inner tube, we cut out a fragment that follows the contour of the plastic plate, and glue them together with superglue 502. Using a knife, we cut off the edges of the rubber that protrude beyond the perimeter of the plate.

Using a hairdryer, use a pipe with a diameter of 1.6 cm to form a loop at the end of the plastic strip and bend it at a certain angle relative to the strip. We place a loop of the strip between the loops of the rubber-coated plate and pass a tube with a diameter of 1.6 cm through these 3 loops.

We heat a small piece of 1.6 cm pipe with a hairdryer and, using another piece of the same pipe, we form a bell, after which it cools we cut wide and narrow rings from it.

We pull one wide ring on the end of the tube by 1.6 cm, pass the free end through the first loop of the plate, put on one by one a narrow ring, a loop of the plate, a second narrow ring, another loop of the plate and, finally, pull a wide ring onto the second end of the pipe.

We place the rubber-coated side of the plate on the oblique cut of the pipe so that the plate is located on the shortest generatrix.We drill two through holes in the plate and pipe in the longitudinal direction.

Mix two-component glue and use it to glue two bolts inserted into the holes from the inside of the pipe. We put a plate on the outside of the bolts and secure it with nuts, which we tighten with pliers.

We cover the end of the sewer pipe in the septic tank with waterproof glue and put on a pipe with a check valve so that the valve closes under the influence of its weight. The drain water entering through the pipe opens the valve slightly, and it freely flows into the septic tank.

If the septic tank overflows, thanks to the check valve, dirty water will not flow through the pipe into the room, since the check valve will automatically block the entrance to the sewer pipe.

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