7 ways to use broken things in new ways

Sometimes even those things that are headed for the landfill can be useful if you turn them into something else. There are hundreds of examples of this. We offer a selection of 7 ideas for recycling waste into things that are actually needed in everyday life.

1. Spark plug drill bit for threading in thin metal

The center electrode of the spark plug is so hard that it can be used for flaring drilling in metal. To do this, you need to take a damaged candle and cut its metal body in a circle.

This will allow you to remove it, exposing the electrode. Now we clamp the candle into the chuck of a drill or drilling machine.

We drill metal with it.

The metal is not just drilled, but also, taking into account thorns, flared. As a result, a durable skirt is formed.

Now you can cut strong threads.

2. Self-tapping awl

A very simple awl can be made by screwing a self-tapping screw into a wooden handle.

Then the cap is cut off and the tip is sharpened.

If the self-tapping screw is well-hardened, then with an awl you can not only pierce soft materials, but also cut tiles. We just scratch it and break it like glass.

3.Light for welding helmet

If you have a broken illuminated lighter, you can remove it from Light-emitting diode with batteries.

They fit perfectly into the tubular cable lug.

The tip with the LED can be glued into the welding helmet by pre-drilling it.

Thus, we get spot lighting, which will allow you to cook efficiently even in the dark.

4. Tube cable end

Scraps of copper and brass tubing can be used to make cable lugs. To do this, one edge of the tube needs to be flattened, drilled, and then the corners turned.

After that, we put it on the stripped cable core and squeeze it so that the walls compress it.

As a result, we get the same tip as the purchased one, but for free.

5. Sharpening spark plug scissors

Dull scissors can be sharpened by trying to cut the center electrode of a spark plug with them.

The advantage of this method is that during such actions both cutting edges of the scissors are sharpened at the same time.

6. Tag for wire from cable duct

Cable channel trimmings can be used to make tags.

To do this, take a small piece of the lid from it and drill it in the corners.

Masking tape is glued to the workpiece, onto which the necessary markings are applied. The tag is then secured to the cable using plastic ties.

7. Parallel fixation of wires with a broken cable tie

If you drill out the cable tie lock, you can use it in a new way. Even a tie whose locking tongue has worn out is suitable for this.

We take the drilled tie and tighten it on one wire as usual. Then we wrap the free edge around the other cable and insert it into the lock again.Nothing will come back out, since the tape is in contact with each other with notches.

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