How to Braze Soldering with a Regular Torch

Not everyone has a professional torch for high-temperature solders in their home workshop. Is it possible to use a regular, tourist, gas torch for brazing? Which has a melting point of about 800 degrees Celsius. Let's check it out and try soldering a stainless steel clamp to a copper pipe.

Will need


  • flux type “Castrolin” or equivalent;
  • hard solder “Stella 5st” or equivalent.

Tools: an ordinary gas burner for a cylinder, an abrasive sponge for dishes, a fire-resistant surface, sandpaper, a grinding wheel, etc.

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Brazing process using a conventional gas torch

We carefully clean the soldered parts with an abrasive dish sponge - a stainless steel clamp and a copper pipe. Then we assemble these two parts by inserting the pipe into the sleeve.

We install the clamp connection on a fire-resistant surface (brick, aerated concrete, etc.) and heat the parts to approximately 800 degrees Celsius, with emphasis on heating the copper pipe.

Then we feed hard solder with flux into the burner flame zone, aimed at the joint between the parts. We continue the soldering process along the ring line until we return to the starting point of soldering. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the supply of solder and not to leave certain areas unsoldered.

We cool the soldering area in a container with water, sand the soldered surface and adjacent areas with sandpaper, a grinding wheel or other suitable material until the original appearance of the soldered parts is restored.

As you can see, it is quite possible to use a regular bottle torch for hard soldering.

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