How to smoke pink salmon yourself

If you have your own smokehouse in your garden, and there is frozen pink salmon in the freezer, then I strongly recommend smoking it hot. After all, this snack can not only fully replace a festive and everyday dinner, but also become an excellent addition to beer. At the same time, I would like to note that hot smoked pink salmon is very easy to prepare and even a person who has never tried to smoke red fish can handle this recipe.


For pink salmon weighing 2 kg. we will need to take:
  • Salt 2.5 tsp.
  • Sugar 1 tsp.
  • Mix of peppers to taste.
  • You can also add a little turmeric for color.

Step-by-step recipe: how to smoke pink salmon

First, let's prepare the fish. To do this, rinse it thoroughly, remove the gills, as well as all the insides. Then mix salt with sugar and pepper and then rub the pink salmon with this mixture on all sides.

Next, we’ll send the fish to salt in the refrigerator for about 12 hours. By the way, the best option would be to do this overnight so that you can smoke the seafood the next day.

After the fish is salted, you will need to walk over it with a paper towel to remove excess salt.

Next, we tie the pink salmon with a tourniquet (so that it does not fall apart during smoking) and then hang it by a hook for a couple of hours in a ventilated room.

Now let's prepare the wood chips. To do this, pour it into a bowl or small plastic bag and then moisten it with water.

After 20 minutes, when the wood chips are well saturated with water, they will need to be transferred to the bottom of the smokehouse. We'll put the fish on the grill. By the way, you need to smoke pink salmon for about an hour under a closed lid, at a temperature not exceeding 100-120 degrees. At the same time, after 40 minutes it can be turned over.

After an hour we check the fish. If it is ready, then we remove it from the smokehouse, and if it is not yet, then we leave it to smoke for about another half hour. By the way, after we cook the pink salmon, it will need to be allowed to air for several hours. During this time, all excess smoke, which is so harmful to our body, will go away.

And finally, I would like to note that it is best to store hot smoked pink salmon in the refrigerator. At the same time, its shelf life is quite short and therefore it will be necessary to consume this fish within 3-4 days.

  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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