How to Make Cheap Water-Repellent Paint to Protect Against Rust and Rot

To protect surfaces from rust and rotting, of all types of paints, compositions with water repellent properties are best suited. They do not allow moisture to pass through at all; drops of water cannot be absorbed into such a surface. You can make such paint yourself from cheap components available at any hardware store.


  • White spirit or gasoline;
  • transparent silicone sealant;
  • PF paint;
  • PF varnish.

Paint making process

To ensure the same water repellent effect, silicone sealant must be added to the composition. A small amount of it is collected in a separate container and mixed with the solvent.

It can be white spirit or regular gasoline or nefras. The ratio of components must be taken in such a way as to ultimately obtain the consistency of a water repellent like that of liquid glass.

In another container we collect PF paint of the required color.

To increase the wear resistance of the composition, a little varnish is poured into it in an approximate proportion of 1:10. This will add strength and gloss to the coating.

The paint, varnish and dissolved silicone are mixed.

The resulting composition can be used for painting metal, wood, slate, plastic, concrete, brick and other surfaces. Even paper coated with such advanced paint does not allow water to pass through.

If you need to protect the surface without painting it a certain color, then the composition is prepared on the basis of varnish, solvent and silicone sealant. It can be used to cover stone.

After applying and drying the varnish, the surface becomes glossy and acquires a wet effect.

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How to make water-repellent paint for metal, concrete, wood and even plastic -

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