How to decorate window or door openings with cement plaster

Framing the openings of windows or doors on the facade is often made of cut polystyrene strips, which are plastered with glue. It is quick and practical, but not as reliable as using cement plaster. It is much stronger, so frames made from it withstand mechanical stress better.


  • Bubble level;
  • rule;
  • trowel;
  • ironer;
  • roulette.

The process of framing window openings with plaster

Before starting work, you need to outline the outline of the frame according to the level. The openings themselves and the façade should already be plastered and completely finished. You need to start making framing from the top. To do this, a rule is applied to the facade from below according to the marks. The solution is poured over it. It will prevent the plaster from slipping. The top line does not matter at this stage. The main thing is to maintain parallelism on the side of the opening.

The solution is applied similarly to the sides of the opening. This is also done using a rule or a flat wooden slate.

Having received a rough frame, first of all you need to align its plane parallel to the wall.Where necessary, the solution is applied, and the excess, when the plaster sticks, is cut off as a rule. Potholes are sealed with a trowel. We do not touch the outer sides of the frame yet.

During the work, the plaster will slide a little, which will disrupt the evenness of the internal lines. When it has set sufficiently, you need to apply a rule, and using it as a ruler, cut off the irregularities. If the solution is too mobile, it can be strengthened by sprinkling cement on top.

If something doesn’t work out, you can always return the rule and add plaster. As long as the bottom layer is wet, the new solution will stick to it easily.

The outer sides of the frame must be cut off using a trowel before the cement hardens. The edges will be torn, so they will need to be smoothed. Using a smoothing iron, you need to bring the frame to perfection, repairing potholes and tears.

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