How to make a concrete blind area under the foundation eternal

The concrete blind area, poured under the foundation to drain sediment from it, almost always has cracks. They spread out in different directions like a spider's web. It looks unsightly, and water seeps through the cracks under the concrete. As a result, in winter it freezes and the blind area collapses, more and more every year. You can protect her from such participation using expansion joints.

What you will need:

  • Roulette;
  • ruler or rule;
  • marker;
  • grinder with diamond blade;
  • frost-resistant sealant for concrete.

The process of cutting expansion joints

To prevent the blind area from tearing, it is necessary to cut expansion joints in it and then seal them with an elastic sealant. In such weakened places, the concrete will crack, but this will already be under the sealant. This can avoid a web of chaotic cracks.

Expansion joints on the blind area are cut crosswise in increments of up to 3 m. It is desirable that the cuts divide it into equal parts, this will look better visually. Using a tape measure, we determine the places for cutting the seams, and then, according to the marks, we draw transverse lines on the blind area for the ruler. In the corner, markings are made diagonally.

Next, we cut the concrete along the lines using a grinder with a diamond blade. The cutting depth must be at least 20 mm. You may not need to cut a couple of centimeters under the foundation.

Then the seams must be cleaned of dust.

They can be vacuumed or washed with water.

Now we seal the seams with frost-resistant sealant. It should reach the bottom of the seam.

The protruding sealant is removed.

This completes the protection of the blind area. In the future, if it cracks, it will be along the grooves under the sealant, which will protect it from further destruction.

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Comments (1)
  1. Anton
    #1 Anton Guests September 19, 2021 00:32
    Nothing is eternal except time.