3 Best Electrode Motion Techniques When Teaching Beginners Arc Welding

In order for the weld seam during manual arc welding to be strong and neat, in addition to the axial and longitudinal movement of the electrode, it must also be moved in the transverse direction. There are many types of this electrode movement. Below we will consider and implement three of their simplest types, but, at the same time, the most frequently used.

Will need

  • Steel thick circle;
  • electric drill;
  • square and marker;
  • welding equipment;
  • hammer for removing slag and brush.

Electric welding training process

Using a square and a marker, we draw three “paths” on the surface of a steel circle, bounded by two parallel straight lines, within which we plot the trajectories of the end of the coated electrode of three types.

Let's call the first one rectangular.We reproduce the trajectory of the electrode with a marker, which first moves from right to left, then a short distance down along the boundary line, then from right to left parallel to the first transverse straight line, again down along another boundary line, and so on until the very end of the track.

The second trajectory is a zigzag broken line within two parallel boundary lines, which can also be reproduced using a marker.

We deepen the parallel boundary lines and their “filling” using a cutting disc and a grinder. These groove lines will make it easier for us to learn welding, since the electrode will be guided along the desired path, and the weld will mainly be localized within them.

We will begin the training with a zigzag transverse movement of the electrode, as it is the easiest to reproduce.

When implementing this method, you should not hold the electrode for a long time at the extreme points, then the seam will be the same in height and width from start to finish.

Having beaten off the slag and cleaned the zigzag weld with a brush, we make sure that it came out the way we expected.

We also first reproduce the rectangular trajectory of the transverse movement of the electrode without applying voltage to it, in order to practice and feel how to pass it from start to finish within the bounding straight lines.

Then we repeat these movements with voltage applied to the electrode. With this method of moving the electrode, the main thing is to maintain a uniform speed of movement of the electrode along the trajectory of the welding seam.

If we succeed, then after removing the slag and cleaning the seam with a brush, we will see a neat seam - a sure sign that it is as strong as possible along its entire length.We see that this movement of the electrode, compared to the zigzag one, provides a larger width of the welding seam.

Finally, we use a grinder to deepen the area between two parallel lines located close to each other. Here we will practice playing the so-called. thread seam, in which transverse movements of the electrode are not performed.

This seam is the easiest to reproduce in nature. It is only necessary to maintain the length of the arc and evenly move the electrode from the starting point to the ending point. The seam with this method is the narrowest. It is usually used when welding thin sheets of metal.

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