How to remove any dirt from surfaces without using alcohol and other aggressive solvents

In order for the surface of your equipment or furniture sparkled like new and smelled clean, no longer need to look for detergent. It is enough to take micellar water of any brand. The cost of water is no different from a good detergent, but the effect is much better.

What do I need to remove stains?

  • Micellar water.
  • Several sponges or cotton wool.
  • Paper or fabric napkins.

So, I take a sponge or regular cotton wool and apply a small amount of product.

Important! Please note that micellar water foams well when interacting with dirt, so there is no need to pour a lot and think that it will be cleaner; it is better to change sponges (cotton wool, napkin) more often.

How to wash a stain

I indicate the front of work - the surfaces that need to be washed. I carefully wipe the surfaces, for example, on the refrigerator, freezer, microwave oven, white doors, on which smudges have been visible for a long time.

If it's just dust, dirt, stains or streaks, just run a sponge over the surface. If the contamination is more complex, for example, a greasy stain on a microwave, then you just need to rub more diligently. Don't forget to change sponges as they get dirty.

And another very important point!

Before cleaning, I stock up on dry wipes or paper towels. If I pour a lot of micellar water onto the sponge, it will begin to foam and leave unwanted streaks.

In this case, I quickly wipe everything dry to avoid streaks, especially on white surfaces. I don't think I'll want to wash it again.

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