How to make a mini jet engine powered by USB and a lighter

How to make a mini jet engine powered by USB and a lighter

Jet thrust is the most powerful of all that still exists. You can clearly demonstrate its principle of operation on a homemade model. This is a completely safe device, as it runs on gas for refilling lighters, so it can be assembled at home.


  • pipe 32 mm;
  • tin or thin sheet aluminum;
  • Super glue;
  • bicycle spoke;
  • electric motor from a toy;
  • empty ballpoint pen refill;
  • board;
  • thin hose
  • gas lighters – 2 pcs.

Jet engine manufacturing process

To make the motor housing, you need to cut a piece of pipe 55 mm long.
length of pipe

A sheet metal bracket is glued into one end of it. It should have a hole in the center for an axis with blades.
sheet metal bracket

a sheet metal bracket is glued to the end of the pipe

4 disks are cut from thin sheet metal to fit the inner diameter of the pipe. They need to be drilled in the center, blades cut into them and impellers bent from them.
thin metal circle

4 disks are cut from thin sheet metal

Next, take a piece of a bicycle spoke 70 mm long. Impellers are put on it. To secure them, glue and bushings from an empty ballpoint pen refill cut into pieces are used.
Impeller on axle

The axis with the blades is inserted into the tube. Then the second fastener is glued into it. To prevent the axle from dangling, you need to place bushings from the rod in front of the brackets.
The axle with blades is inserted into the tube

A cone with a cut off top is bent from thin sheet metal. It has 3 holes.
thin metal cone

The cone is glued to the engine housing.
The cone is glued to the engine housing

Metal tubes are glued into 2 holes on the cone.
Tubes are glued into the holes on the cone

They can be removed from the telescopic antenna; metal rods from a ballpoint pen are also suitable.
The motor is screwed to the wooden base with sheet metal brackets so that the hole in the cone without the tube is at the top. Similarly, an electric motor is attached to the sole. Its axis is connected to the jet motor via a rod from the handle.
The engine is screwed to a wooden base

Wires are soldered to the contacts of the electric motor.
Wires are soldered to the motor contacts

Thin hoses are pulled onto the tubes from the cone.
Thin hoses are pulled onto the tubes from the cone

They need to be continued to the free part of the wooden sole and connected to the fittings of the fixed lighters.
Mini jet engine ready

Now, when you press the buttons on the lighters, the gas from them will flow into the cone of the jet engine, where it needs to be set on fire. Then, when the air supply starts, draft will appear. It will continue until you release the lighter.
Mini jet engine in operation

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Comments (2)
  1. Andrey Pankov
    #1 Andrey Pankov Guests December 28, 2020 10:41
    What is this for?
  2. Guest Sergei
    #2 Guest Sergei Guests 28 December 2020 14:34
    Some kind of bullshit. The turbine should start working on its own power, and not from an external power source - USB.