How to quickly restore leather seats

The leather interior of a new car looks expensive and beautiful, but over the years, white cracks appear on the seats, which looks completely unsightly. Reupholstering with new leather is an unjustifiably expensive solution, since ordinary paint solves the problem. Let's look at how you can restore the color to your seats to make them look like new.
How to quickly restore leather seats

What you will need:

  • spray paint;
    spray paint

  • solvent;
  • towel;
  • universal protective polish 303 Aerospace Protectant or equivalent.
    universal protective polish

Seat restoration process

To hide white cracks in the skin, you need to paint them over. For this, regular spray paint is used. You can cut off a small piece of leather on the back of the seat for a sample, and pick up paint in that tone in the store.
The essence of the restoration is simple. Spray a little paint on a towel, then add a little solvent to it.
Spray a little paint on a towel

Pour the solvent

Afterwards we rub the seats with this mixture.
We rub the seats

The thinned paint will cover the white veins and will not leave streaks, as it will be easily absorbed.
The thinned paint will cover the white veins.

Next you need to wait until the paint dries.
The paint has dried on the seats

Don't be afraid, it won't stain your clothes like shoe polish, since it dries completely. After this, it is advisable to spray and rub the seats with polish.

Seat sprayed with polish

It will make your skin shine like new. In addition, the polish will make it more elastic, resistant to cracking and fading.
Refurbished seat like new

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