How to waterproof wooden poles for centuries

How to waterproof wooden poles to last forever

When digging in wooden posts, it is advisable to waterproof them over the entire surface that will be in the ground. This will prevent the wood from rotting, so the pole will last many times longer.

What you will need:

  • bitumen primer;
  • built-up roofing;
  • gas burner or blowtorch.

Pillar waterproofing process

The part of the wooden post that will be underground needs to be cleared of bark. Then it would be a good idea to saturate the wood with an antiseptic in order to destroy the microorganisms present there that could destroy it. After this, the underground part of the pillar is coated with bitumen primer.
How to waterproof wooden poles to last forever

Next, you need to light a torch or blowtorch and fuse any fused roofing on top of the primer. For this, the same technology is used as for laying a roof.
How to waterproof wooden poles to last forever

The roofing material is heated with a flame and rolled onto the post with a roller or pressed with gloved hands.
How to waterproof wooden poles to last forever

It is necessary to paste the pillar in a circle. The bottom end is not covered, just a coat of primer is enough. After this, the pillar is dug in or concreted.
How to waterproof wooden poles to last forever

How to waterproof wooden poles to last forever

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Comments (1)
  1. Yuri Beda
    #1 Yuri Beda Guests 19 June 2020 22:52
    Impregnating it with a primer (*primer-gasoline solution of isol, brizol, tar, bitumen) while “hot” is a good option. I don’t recommend wrapping it with any kind of insulation. Tested. At one time we wrapped the posts with roofing felt - the fungus ate them up very quickly, those that were not wrapped stood longer It’s better to scorch the part that will be in the ground without access to air, just cover it with coals. This is how benzenes are formed like creosote, tar, and rare smoke for smoking (also an option for antiseptics).