Apple marshmallows that always work out

Prepared from inexpensive, available products using the most ordinary mixer, this homemade marshmallow will forever displace its store-bought counterpart from the family menu. Porous and airy, with clear reliefs and a pronounced apple taste - it will appeal to all sweet tooths!
Apple marshmallows that always work


  • applesauce - 150 g (weight of fresh apples - 450 g),
  • sugar - 130 g for puree and 250 g for syrup,
  • protein - 1 (about 35 g),
  • water - 100 ml,
  • agar-agar - 7 g.

Apple marshmallows that always work

For rolling, you will also need 40 g of powdered sugar and the same amount of corn starch.

Preparation will take approximately 12 hours:

1. A large amount of pectin is found near the apple peel, so it does not need to be peeled. Remove the seeds from the apples cut into slices and place the pieces in the oven to soften for about 45 minutes. (temperature 180 degrees).
Apple marshmallows that always work

2. Armed with a sieve, grind the puree.
Apple marshmallows that always work

3. Add the specified amount of sugar to it and heat (just do not boil) in the microwave to dissolve the sugar. Next, the puree should be cooled to at least room temperature, but you can put the bowl in the refrigerator and prepare the marshmallows the next day.
Apple marshmallows that always work

4.In a tall saucepan (the syrup will foam strongly and tend to rise), mix agar-agar with sugar and add water.
Apple marshmallows that always work

5. Stirring gently, bring the syrup to a boil, then cook for 7 minutes.
Apple marshmallows that always work

6. While the syrup is boiling, add sweet applesauce and egg white to the mixer bowl.
Apple marshmallows that always work

7. Beat the mixture until it becomes thick and stable.
Apple marshmallows that always work

8. Without turning off the mixer, begin to gradually pour in the boiling syrup, then continue beating for another 2 minutes.
Apple marshmallows that always work

9. Transfer the marshmallow mixture into a bag with a toothed nozzle and pipe rounded curls onto a silicone mat or parchment.
Apple marshmallows that always work

10. Leave the marshmallows to dry in the room.
Apple marshmallows that always work

11. After 11-12 hours, combine the dried halves and roll them in a mixture of sweet powder and starch.
Apple marshmallows that always work

12. Transfer the finished marshmallows to a plate and you can store them like this for 2-3 days, after which the top crust will dry out even more, and the middle will remain soft.
Apple marshmallows that always work

Apple marshmallows that always work

And now, without much hassle, a wonderful dessert and treat for children is ready! Bon appetit!
Apple marshmallows that always work
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